No. S.O.2380 - Dated: 18-4-1986 - IT
Approval granted to the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, under section 35(1)(ii) is restricted up to 31-3-1988
No. S.O.2379 - Dated: 18-4-1986 - IT
Approval granted under section 35(1)(iii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, on perpetual basis to Dalmia Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Rajgangpur (Orissa) is converted into time bound approval valid up to 31-12-1986
No. S.O.2378 - Dated: 16-4-1986 - IT
Approval granted to Sir Hurkisandas Nurrotamdas Hospital Medical Research Society, Bombay, under section 35(1)(ii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 is converted into time bound approval and is made valid up to 31-3-1988