1. Interpretation of provisions of section 11(4) of the Income-tax Act, 1961. 2. Disallowance of excessive wastage in newsprint. 3. Deletion of additions towards sale of waste. 4. Trade discount allowance. 5. Deletion of additions towards unexplained cash credits. Analysis: The case involved tax assessments for the years 1975-76 and 1976-77 of a trust deriving income from a newspaper. The Income-tax Officer invoked section 11(4) of the Act, claiming excess income was applied for non-charitable purposes due to alleged violations. The Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) partially agreed but remitted some issues for verification. The Tribunal ultimately deleted additions related to excessive waste, sale of waste, trade discount, and cash credits, finding them unsustainable based on facts. The crux of the matter was whether the assessed income exceeded the returned income, triggering the applicability of section 11(4). The Tribunal's decision was based on the absence of excessive income beyond what the assessee declared. The Tribunal, as the highest fact-finding authority, deemed further verification unnecessary, leading to the deletion of additions. The Department argued that the Tribunal erred in not considering particulars submitted only before the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals). However, the Court upheld the Tribunal's decision, emphasizing its fact-based analysis and concluding that no legal questions arose from the Tribunal's order. Ultimately, the Court dismissed the tax case petitions, ruling that none of the issues raised by the Department, including the interpretation of section 11(4), were applicable due to the absence of excessive assessed income. The judgment highlighted the Tribunal's authority in factual determinations and upheld the deletion of additions based on the facts presented, leading to the dismissal of the petitions without costs.