Interpretation of the expression 'rent' in Rule 7(1) of the Taxation Rules under the Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporations Act, 1949. Detailed Analysis: 1. The applicants challenged the calculation of the rateable value of their tenements by the Municipal Corporation of Ahmedabad, which included both rent and taxes paid by tenants as rent. The Court of Small Causes and the District Judge upheld this method, leading to the revisional applications. The key issue was the interpretation of the term 'rent' in Rule 7(1) of the Taxation Rules. 2. Rule 7(1) mandates a flat deduction of 10% of the annual rent, with no other allowances permitted. The definition of 'rent' in the Act is not provided, but Section 105 of the Transfer of Property Act defines 'rent' broadly, including payments in forms other than cash. The primary liability for taxes is on the landlord, but it can be transferred to the tenant through a lease agreement. 3. The applicants argued that municipal taxes should not be considered as part of rent, while the Assistant Judge held that municipal taxes are in the nature of rent and should be included. The practice in different Municipal Boroughs varied, but the interpretation of Rule 7(1) was crucial, emphasizing the broad definition of 'rent' under the Transfer of Property Act. 4. Section 413 of the Act was cited to suggest finality of decisions on rateable value, limiting the High Court's revision jurisdiction. However, the High Court retained the power to interpret the law if the decision fell within Section 115 of the Code. Since the Court found the lower court's decision to be correct, the revisional applications were dismissed. 5. The Court discharged the rules in both revisional applications, affirming the inclusion of municipal taxes as part of the rateable value calculation based on the broad interpretation of 'rent' under the Transfer of Property Act.