Issues Involved:
1. Re-estimation of sale and purchase price of properties. 2. Re-computation of capital gains. 3. Additions under Section 69 of the IT Act, 1961. 4. Validity of reference to the valuation officer under Section 55A of the IT Act. Detailed Analysis: 1. Re-estimation of Sale and Purchase Price of Properties: The primary issue revolved around the sale of the assessee's residential house at Ashok Vihar for Rs. 12,00,000, which was doubted by the AO and referred to the valuation officer under Section 55A. The valuation officer estimated the fair market value at Rs. 31,74,349. Similarly, the purchase price of another residential house at New Rohtak Road was declared at Rs. 10,50,000, but the AO, not satisfied, referred it to the DVO, who estimated the fair market value at Rs. 83,40,097. The Tribunal noted that the AO did not provide a basis for doubting the declared sale and purchase prices and criticized the valuation officer for using inappropriate comparisons (e.g., commercial vs. residential area rates). 2. Re-computation of Capital Gains: The CIT(A) re-examined the capital gains calculation and directed the AO to recompute it by considering the investment in the new property at Rs. 83,40,097 instead of Rs. 18,34,000, resulting in a nil capital gain. The Tribunal supported this view, stating that the entire sale proceeds were reinvested in a new property, thus no capital gain accrued to the assessee. 3. Additions under Section 69 of the IT Act, 1961: The AO added Rs. 65,90,097 to the income of the assessee under Section 69, considering the difference between the declared and estimated purchase price of the New Rohtak Road property. The CIT(A) directed recalculating the income from undisclosed sources after giving due credit for the fair market value of the Ashok Vihar property. The Tribunal found the AO's reference to the DVO for determining unexplained investment invalid, as it was not for computing capital gains but for estimating unexplained investments. 4. Validity of Reference to the Valuation Officer under Section 55A of the IT Act: The Tribunal held that the AO's reference to the valuation officer under Section 55A was invalid as it was not for the purpose of computing capital gains but for estimating unexplained investments. The Tribunal cited the Supreme Court judgment in Smt. Amiya Bala Paul vs. CIT, emphasizing that Section 55A references are only valid for determining fair market value for capital gains computation. Conclusion: The Tribunal set aside the orders of the lower authorities regarding the valuation of the properties and directed the AO to adopt the values declared by the assessee. The appeal of the assessee was allowed, and the Revenue's appeal was dismissed. The Tribunal emphasized the need for the Revenue to bring substantial evidence when doubting declared values and criticized the use of inappropriate comparisons by the valuation officer.