1. Suit for declaration of directorship and injunction. 2. Alleged removal of plaintiff from directorship. 3. Dismissal of suit by district munsif. 4. Appeal decision in favor of plaintiff. 5. Questions framed for second appeal. 6. Interpretation of articles of association. 7. Application of Companies Act provisions. 8. Objection to plaintiff's directorship status. 9. Consideration of supervening events. 10. Relief sought by plaintiff. 11. Decision on second appeal. Analysis: The plaintiff filed a suit seeking a declaration of continued directorship in a company and an injunction against the second defendant. The plaintiff alleged that the second defendant, due to ill-feeling, orchestrated a resolution removing him as a director for missing meetings. The district munsif ruled against the plaintiff, stating he failed to attend consecutive meetings and was lawfully removed. However, the Sub-Court, Tiruchirapalli, overturned this decision, finding discrepancies in meeting dates and notice receipt, concluding the plaintiff remained a director. This led to a second appeal by the defendants challenging the Sub-Court's decision. During the second appeal, questions were framed regarding the suit's maintainability and the plaintiff's directorship status. The defendants argued the plaintiff ceased to be a director after a specific annual general meeting, as he was not re-elected. The court examined the company's articles of association and relevant Companies Act provisions to determine directorship requirements and retirement procedures. It was established that the plaintiff's directorship status hinged on re-election at annual general meetings. The court considered supervening events and the relief sought by the plaintiff. Despite the plaintiff's claim of wrongful removal, it was found that he had ceased to be a director post a subsequent annual general meeting. The court emphasized the need to adapt the decree based on evolving circumstances and ruled that granting the requested relief would serve no purpose due to the plaintiff's changed directorship status. The court allowed the second appeal, indicating no costs to be awarded. In conclusion, the judgment delved into the intricacies of directorship under the Companies Act, analyzed the impact of annual general meetings on director status, and highlighted the importance of considering supervening events in legal proceedings. The decision underscored the need to align relief with current circumstances, ultimately leading to the allowance of the second appeal.