No. 28/2011 – Service Tax - Dated: 1-4-2011 - ST
Telecommunication Service, and Works contract Service, have been specified as Continuous Service for the purpose of POT (point of taxation Rules, 2011)
No. 38/2010 - Dated: 28-6-2010 - ST
Exempts commercial or industrial construction services provided within port or other ports for construction, repair, alteration and renovation of wharves, quays, docks, stages, jetties, piers and railways
No. 29/2010 - Dated: 22-6-2010 - ST
Amends Notification No. 1/2006-Service Tax, dated the 1st March 2006 - 75% Exemption to Commercial or Industrial Construction service and Construction of Complex, if the value of land is included in the gross value
No. 18/04 - Dated: 10-9-2004 - ST
Exemption to value of new taxable services introduced by Finance (No. 2) Act,2004, which was received prior to 10-9-2004