No. F.12 (1) FD/Tax/2024-69 - Dated: 4-1-2024 - Rajasthan SGST
Seeks to amend notification no. F.12(56)FD/Tax/2017-Pt-I-40 dated 29.06.2017 in order to bring a technical change whereby HSN code for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is harmonised with the updated HSN code for LPG
No. 30/2023-State Tax - Dated: 29-12-2023 - Delhi SGST
Special procedure to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing of the goods - Additional records to be maintained by the registered persons manufacturing the goods mentioned in the Schedule
No. 70/GST-2 - Dated: 29-12-2023 - Haryana SGST
Amendment of Notification No. 52/GST-2, dated 23.08.2022 (Notification under section 168A to extend dates of specified compliances under the HGST Act, 2017)