No. 57/2021 - Dated: 29-12-2021 - Cus
Seeks to amend various notifications giving exemption to electronic and defense equipment to align with HSN 2022 w.e.f. 1.1.2022
No. 54/2021 - Dated: 24-12-2021 - Cus
Seeks to further amend notification No. 46/2011-Customs dated 01-06-2011 to give effect to 13th tranche of preferential tariff as per ASEAN India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIGA)
No. 76/2021 - Dated: 22-12-2021 - ADD
Seeks to levy anti-dumping duty on imports of 'Hydrofluorocarbon Blends (All blends other than 407 and 410 are excluded)' originating in or exported from China PR for a period of five years.
No. 74/2021 - Dated: 21-12-2021 - ADD
Seeks to levy anti-dumpnig duty on imports of 'Silicone Sealant' originating in or exported from China PR for a period of five years.