No. 10/2021 - Dated: 25-2-2021 - ADD
Seeks to further amend notification No. 2/2016-Customs (ADD) dated 28th Jan, 2016 to extend the levy of Anti-Dumping duty on Melamine originating in or exported from China PR, up to and inclusive of 31st March, 2021.
No. 9/2021 - Dated: 25-2-2021 - ADD
Seeks to amend notification no 29/2017-Customs (ADD) dated 14.06.2017 so as to extend the said notification up to 28.06.2021.
No. 8/2021 - Dated: 19-2-2021 - ADD
Seeks to impose definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Aniline originating in or exported from China PR for a period of five years from the date of levy of provisional anti-dumping duty, i.e. 29th July, 2020.