No. 39/2015 - Dated: 12-8-2015 - ADD
Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Flax or Linen Fabric having flax content of more than 50% , originating in or exported from the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong for a period of five years
Income Tax
No. 63/2015 - Dated: 12-8-2015 - IT
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the Republic of San Marino for the Exchange of Information with respect to taxes
No. 38/2015 - Dated: 6-8-2015 - ADD
Seeks to levy definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Vitamin C, originating in or exported from the People's Republic of China for a period of five years
No. 37/2015 - Dated: 6-8-2015 - ADD
Seeks to extend the validity of Notification No 76/2010- Customs (ADD) dated 26.07.2010 for a further period of one year
No. 43/2015 - Dated: 4-8-2015 - Cus
Seeks to further amend notification No. 12/2012-Customs so as to delete the requirement of registration of Ship Repair Unit with Director General of Shipping
No. 35/2015 - Dated: 31-7-2015 - ADD
Seeks to finalize provisional assessments of all imports of ceramic glazed tiles falling under tariff item 6908 90 90 , by M/s Gaoyao Marshal Ceramics Co. Ltd., China PR (producer) through M/s Foshan Dihai Trading Development Co.Ltd., China PR (exporter) which have been subjected to provisional assessment pursuant to the Notification No.109/2011-Customs, dated the 15th December, 2011