No. 20/2012 - Dated: 17-3-2012 - Cus (NT)
Amendment to notification no. 16/2011 Cus(NT) dated 1.3.2011 - prohibition of import of goods - Filter rod of a kind used in the manufacture of cigarettes or bidis and
No. 14/2012 - Dated: 17-3-2012 - ST
Exempts import of technology to the extent of amount of cess payable on the said import of technology - w.e.f. 1.7.2012
No. 5/2012 - Dated: 17-3-2012 - ST
Amends notification no. 6/2005 ST dated 1-5-2005 - Determination of aggregate value for claiming exemption upto 10 lacs