Policy Circular No. 11/2024-25 -
EPCG Scheme - Relief in Average EO in terms of the para 5.17(a) of Hand Book of Procedures (HBP) of FTP, 2023.
Policy Circular No. 10/2024-25 -
EPCG Scheme - Applicability of amendment to Para 5.10(c) of Hand Book of Procedures 2015-20 (Mid-Term Review)
Policy Circular No. 09/2024-25 -
Procedure for implementation of Import Management System for import of restricted IT Hardware (viz. Laptops, Tablets, All-in-one Personal Computers, Ultra small form factor computers and Servers under HSN 8471) for the calendar year 2025
Policy Circular No. 08/2024-25 -
Applicability of Para 4.08 (ii) of HBP in case of inputs being procured by Advance Authorisation Holders from Units located in SEZ
Policy Circular No. 07/2024-25 -
Procedure for implementation of DGFT Notification no. 23/2023 dated 03.08.2023; 26/2023 dated 04.08.2023; 38/2023 dated 19.10.2023; and Policy circular no. 06/2023-24 dated 19.10.2023 beyond 30.09.2024
Policy Circular No. 06/2024-25 -
Clarification regarding Notification No. 17/2024-25 dated 11.06.2024
Policy Circular No. 05/2024-25 -
Clarification regarding subsequent re-import of unsold jewellery, exported under Para 4.79 & 4.92 of the Handbook of procedure, 2023.
Policy Circular No. 04/2024 -
Relaxation in the provision of submission of 'Bill of Export' as evidence of export obligation discharge for supplies made to SEZ units in case of Advance Authorisation
Addendum to Policy Circular No. 03/2024 -
Clarification of Para 4.17 of Hand Book of Procedures-2023 - In the circular it was clarified that, in the interest of export promotion and to promote ease of doing business, in all cases where Norm's Committee decision were taken before 01.04.2023, the AA holder, who wishes for a review, may file their review application till 31.12.2024.
Policy Circular No. 03/2024 -
Clarification of Para 4.17 of Hand Book of Procedures-2023
Policy Circular No. 02/2024 -
Clarification on the applicability of 3% amount on account of non-achievement of minimum Value Addition as mentioned in para 4.49 (b) and amount equivalent to 10% of the CIF value in Para 4.49 (a) (ii) of HBP 2023
Policy Circular No. 01/2024 -
Clarification on discharge of export obligation of Advance Authorisation (AA) bearing Customs Notification No. 18/2015-Customs as amended and Customs Notification No. 21/2015-Customs as amended both dated 01.04.2015 by making physical exports or by making domestic supplies
Policy Circular No. 10/2023-2024 -
Relief in Average Export Obligation in terms of the para 5.17(a) of Hand Book of Procedures (HBP) of FTP, 2023
Policy Circular No. 09/2023-24 -
Clarification regarding Import Policy Provisions for Laptops, Tablets, All-in-one Personal Computers and Ultra Small Form Factor Computers, Servers under HSN 8471
Policy Circular No. 08/2023 -
Clarification on the applicability of ad-hoc norms
Policy Circular No. 07/2023 -
Clarification on the applicability of minimum Value Addition as provided under para 4.09 (v) of FTP 2023, in case of spices
Policy Circular No. 06/2023-24 -
Implementation of Import Management Systems for IT Hardware
Policy Circular No. 05/2023-24 -
Clarification regarding subsequent re-import of unsold jewellery, exported under Para 4.79 & 4.92 of Handbook of procedure 2023
Policy Circular No. 04/2023-24 -
Safeguard Quantitative Restrictions (QR) imposed on import of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) — Clarification regarding applicability of QR on imports by SEZ units wrt Notification No. 64/2015-20 dated 31.03.2023
Policy circular No. 03/2023-24 -
Clarification regarding Notification No.19 dated 12.07.2023.