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Showing 27521 to 27540 of 27555 Records
Letter No. 8/13(94)/59 - PR -
Share Capital - Alteration of ‑ Creation of shares concurrently with cancellation of certain unissued share capital ‑ Whether amounts to increase in authorised capital and whether Form Nos. 5 and 6 are required to be filed
Letter No. 42(400)‑CL‑II/59, -
Resignation of a director not communicated to Registrar by company ‑ Whether Registrar should act upon communication received from director
No. 8/39(125)/59‑PR, -
Charges - Registration/Modification of ‑ Solution to certain problems arising out of registration/modification of charges provided
Letter : No. 42(139)‑CL‑II/59, -
Voluntary ‑ Winding up ‑ Declaration of solvency ‑ Effect of non‑filing of declaration of solvency on voluntary winding up
F. No. 6/86/59-CL-III, -
Dissolution - Weeding out defunct companies - Policy followed by Department in striking off name of company
F. No. 6/86/59‑CL‑III, -
Provisions applicable to every mode of winding up ‑ Endorsement by Registrar on documents at the time of making payment
F. No. 6/13/59‑CL‑III, -
Provisions applicable to every mode of winding up ‑ Payment to claimant resident in India whether Indian or foreign national ‑ Whether to be made by rupee cheques
No. 6(10)‑CL‑1/59, -
Increase in director’s remuneration requires Government sanction ‑ Director rendering services ordinarily expected to be rendered by him ‑ Whether remuneration paid for services required approval of Central Government
4(xi-3)D -
Cost of production and cost of acquiring distribution rights- Amortisation of.
No. 8/2/58‑PR, -
Debenture ‑ Whether fixed deposit constitutes “debenture” within the meaning of clause (12)
Letter : No. 2/52/58‑PR, -
Proxy ‑ Whether date of meeting should be filled in by shareholders in the form of instrument appointing proxy so as to obviate any possible misuse
Letter : No. 8/81/58‑PR, -
Share Capital - Further Issue ‑ Whether one year period should be counted from the date on which shares are allotted for first time
Letter No. 9/1/58‑PR, -
Whether retiring directors cease to hold office on and from date of annual general meeting
Letter : No. 8/15/58‑PR, -
Memorandum of association ‑Requirement as to signature by a subscriber who is illiterate
Letter : No. 8/610/57-PR, -
Inspection of documents kept by Registrar - Copies of correspondence passed between Registrar and companies - Whether can be given
Letter: No. 8/80/67‑PR, -
Annual accounts - Form and contents of ‑ Whether general reserve can be used for redeeming preference shares
Letter : No. 8(597)/56-PR, -
Filing of documents with Registrar - Whether copy is to be filed with Registrar of the State in which principal place of business is situate
Letter No. 8/1/57‑PR, -
Whether chartered accountant, where service is rendered by him professionally and not as an officer on company, is disqualified under clause (b) of sub‑section (3)
No. 8/594/57-PR, -
Foreign Companies - Accounts - Whether it will be sufficient if foreign insurance company files the same return as required to file with Controller of Insurance
No. 8/418/56‑PR, -
Provident funds ‑ Amendment of Post Office Savings Bank Rules in compliance of the section
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