Home Acts & Rules SEBI Regulation Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 Chapters List Chapter VIC SPECIALIZED INVESTMENT FUND This
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Regulation 49AA - Restrictions on investments - Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996Extract 1 [Restrictions on investments: 49AA . (1) An investment strategy under Specialized Investment Fund shall not invest more than 20 per cent of its NAV in debt instruments comprising money market instruments and non-money market instruments issued by a single issuer which are rated not below investment grade by a credit rating agency authorised to carry out such activity under the Act. Such investment limit may be extended to 25 per cent of the NAV of the investment strategy with the prior approval of the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors of the asset management company: Provided that such limit shall not be applicable for investments in Government Securities, treasury bills and triparty repo on Government securities or treasury bills: Provided further that investments within such limit can be made in mortgaged backed securitised debt which are rated not below investment grade by a credit rating agency registered with the Board: Provided further that such limit shall not be applicable for investments in case of debt exchange traded funds or such other funds as may be specified by the Board from time to time. (2) No Specialized Investment Fund under all its investment strategies should own more than fifteen per cent of any company s paid up capital carrying voting rights: Provided that investment in the asset management company or the trustee company of a mutual fund shall be governed by clause (a) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 7B: Provided further that the limit mentioned in sub-regulation (2) above shall be inclusive of ten per cent limit for mutual fund schemes as specified under clause 2 of Seventh Schedule. Explanation: If a mutual fund under all its schemes owns ten per cent of any company s paid up capital carrying voting rights, then the Specialized Investment fund under all its investment strategies shall not own more than five per cent of that company s paid up capital carrying voting rights. (3) No investment strategy of a Specialized Investment Fund shall invest more than 10 per cent of its NAV in the equity shares and equity-related instruments of any company. (4) A Specialized Investment Fund may invest in the units of REITs and InvITs subject to the following: (a) No Specialized Investment Fund under all its investment strategies shall own more than 20 per cent of units issued by a single issuer of REIT and InvIT: Provided that the limit mentioned in clause (a) of sub-regulation 4 above shall be inclusive of 10 per cent limit for mutual fund scheme as specified under clause 13 (a) of Seventh Schedule. (b) An investment strategy under Specialized Investment Fund shall not invest - (i) more than 20 per cent of its NAV in the units of REITs and InvITs; and (ii) more than 10 per cent of its NAV in the units of REIT and InvIT issued by a single issuer: Provided that the limits mentioned in sub-clauses (i) and (ii) above shall not be applicable for investments in case of index fund or sector or industry specific scheme pertaining to REIT and InvIT. (5) All other investment restrictions applicable for schemes of mutual funds as specified under Seventh Schedule shall apply to investment strategies under the Specialized Investment Fund. ] ************** NOTES:- 1. Inserted vide Notification No.SEBI/LAD-NRO/GN/2024/221 dated 16-12-2024 w.e.f. 01-04-2025