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Transitional Provisions under Goods and Service Tax

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Transitional Provisions under Goods and Service Tax
September 19, 2016
All Articles by: CSSANJAY MALHOTRA       View Profile
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As Goods and Service Tax will bring in Business Transformation; it’s important to understand the Transitional Provisions to ensure that the proposed tax system takes care of existing tax credits, payments and should not be  a "TAX COST" for the assessee’s in GST.

Due care has to be taken in shift over from Present set of Indirect Tax system to GST Regime so that the required compliances shall be complied with and taxes paid under present taxation system should be rolled over in GST Law.

Appointment of Officers under GST Act (Section 141) of Model GST Law provides that all the officers appointed under Central / State Laws relating to Taxes shall be deemed to have been appointed as GST Officers under the respective Acts.

Migration of Existing Tax Payers (Section 142)

  • All the persons registered under the present Tax structure shall be migrated automatically to GST on provisional basis, which is valid for a period of 6 months or extended period as State/Central Govt. may prescribed.
  • Every person to whom provisional Registration as stated above has been granted needs to furnish information as may be called for by proper officer and upon furnishing of same, final registration shall be granted by State / Central Govt. officer as the case may be.
  • Provisional Certificate issued to Existing Tax payer shall be cancelled if the person fails to furnish the information as called for.
  • If the taxable person under the present tax system submits application that he is not liable to be registered under GST Act, then the certificate of registration issued on provisional basis shall be deemed to have not been issued upon cancellation of provisional registration under GST.

Carry Forward of CENVAT Credit in Return to be allowed as Tax Credit in GST (Section 143)

  • Registered Taxable person shall be allowed to take credit of CENVAT / VAT as available on the day immediately preceding the day on which GST Act comes into force. Tax credit has to be taken as opening balance in Electronic Ledger i.e. online Input Tax Credit Ledger in GSTIN.
  • CENVAT Credit available under Excise and Service Tax as on date preceding to GST Act date shall be carried forward in Electronic Ledger under the head “CGST” and Vat credit under the head “SGST”.
  • Tax Credit has to be carry forward provided the same is admissible both under present and in GST law.
  • Tax Credit shall be recovered as tax arrears by Central / State GST officers if the same is found to be recoverable as a result of any proceeding initiated before or after the GST Act comes into force.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Unavailed CENVAT Credit on Capital Goods not carry forward in return to be allowed in GST in certain situation (Section 144)

  • Unavailed CENVAT credit means that the tax credit on capital goods which have not been availed. For e.g. in the present Excise law, CENVAT credit is eligible @ 50% of Tax amount during first year and remaining 50% to be claimed in next F.Y. Hence 50% CENVAT Credit on Capital goods acquired during F.Y. 2016-17 remains unavailed in 2015-16, which can be claimed in 2016-17 in GST Regime.
  • Capital Goods shall have meaning as defined in clause 2(a) of CENVAT Credit Rules 2004.
  • Registered Taxable person shall be allowed to take credit of unavailed credit of CENVAT / VAT not taken in return furnished under present law and as available on the day immediately preceding the day on which GST Act comes into force.
  • CENVAT Credit available under Excise Tax as on date preceding to GST Act date shall be carried forward in Electronic Ledger under the head “CGST” and Vat credit under the head “SGST”.
  • Tax Credit is allowed provided the same is admissible both under present and in GST law.
  • Tax Credit shall be recovered as tax arrears by Central / State GST officers if the same is found to be recoverable as a result of any proceeding initiated before or after the GST Act comes into force.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Credit of eligible duties and taxes in respect of inputs held in stock to be allowed in certain situations (Section 145)

Any person who is into the sales of exempted goods under the present law is exempted from Registration and further he shall have to get himself registered under the GST Act if the products come out of exemption or is subject to levy under the GST Act.

Such registered persons under the GST Act shall be eligible to claim Input Tax credit in respect of Inputs, WIP held in stock , Inputs contained in final products as on the date immediately preceding to the Date from which GST Act comes into force.

Credit of eligible duties and taxes on inputs held in stock to be allowed to a taxable person switching over from composition scheme (Section 146)

  • Any Registered person who is paying tax in the capacity of Composite Tax Payer at a fixed rate or fixed amount under the present tax law of Centre / State shall be eligible to take input Tax credit in Electronic Credit Ledger in respect of Inputs, WIP held in stock, input contained in Finished Goods as on the date immediately preceding to the Date from which GST Act comes into force.
  • Tax Credit is allowed provided the same is admissible both under present and in GST law.
  • Tax Credit shall be recovered as tax arrears by Central / State GST officers if the same is found to be recoverable as a result of any proceeding initiated before or after the GST Act comes into force.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Amount payable in event of Taxable Person switching over to composition scheme (Section 147)

  • Taxable person who has carried forward the amount of eligible credit in a return, furnished under the earlier law, in respect of the period ending with the day immediately preceding the appointed day, switches over to the composition scheme under section 8, he shall pay an amount, by way of debit in the electronic credit ledger or electronic cash ledger, equivalent to the credit of input tax in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock on the day immediately preceding the date of such switch over:

Provided that after payment of such amount, the balance of input tax credit, if any lying in his electronic credit ledger shall lapse.

  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Exempted Goods Returned to Place of Business in GST regime(Section 148)

  • No Tax shall be payable by the person returning the exempted goods provided the said goods are cleared not earlier than a period of 6 months from the date of enactment of GST Act and further returned to supplier of goods within a period of 6 months from the date on which GST Act comes into force.
  • Tax stands payable if the above stated condition is not satisfied.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Dutiable Goods Returned to Place of Business in GST regime(Section 149)

  •  No Tax shall be payable by the person returning the Dutiable goods provided the said goods are cleared not earlier than a period of 6 months from the date of enactment of GST Act and further returned to supplier of goods within a period of 6 months from the date on which GST Act comes into force.
  • Tax stands payable if the above stated condition is not satisfied.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Inputs removed for job work and returned on or after the appointed day (Section 150)

  • In case Inputs as such or removed for Job work after partially processing under the provisions of present tax law for further processing, testing, repair, etc and are returned after processing within a period of 6 months from the date on which GST Act comes into force, then NO Tax shall be payable.
  • Tax shall be payable by manufacturer if the inputs are not received back within a period of 6 months from the date when GST comes into force OR Tax is to be paid by Job Worker if the goods after processing are returned back after a period of 6 months after the GST enactment date.
  • If registered person shows sufficient cause, then the period of 6 months may be extended by another 2 months by the competent authority.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Semi-finished Goods removed for job work and returned on or after the appointed day (Section 151)

  • In case Semi-finished goods are removed for carrying out certain manufacturing processes under the provisions of present tax law for further processing, testing, repair, etc and are returned after processing within a period of 6 months from the date on which GST Act comes into force, then NO Tax shall be payable.
  • Tax shall be payable by manufacturer if the inputs are not received back within a period of 6 months from the date when GST comes into force OR Tax is to be paid by person returning the goods if the goods after processing are returned back after a period of 6 months after the GST enactment date.
  • If registered person shows sufficient cause, then the period of 6 months may be extended by another 2 months by the competent authority.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Finished Goods removed for job work and returned on or after the appointed day (Section 152)

  • In case finished goods are removed for carrying out certain processes not amounting to manufacture under the provisions of present tax law and are returned after processing within a period of 6 months from the date on which GST Act comes into force, then NO Tax shall be payable.
  • Tax shall be payable by manufacturer if the inputs are not received back within a period of 6 months from the date when GST comes into force OR Tax is to be paid by person returning the goods if the goods after processing are returned back after a period of 6 months after the GST enactment date.
  • If registered person shows sufficient cause, then the period of 6 months may be extended by another 2 months by the competent authority.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Issue of supplementary invoices, debit or credit notes where price is revised in pursuance of a contract (Section 153)

  • In case the price of goods are revised upwards after their clearance from the supplier premises, the taxable person issuing the goods has to issue supplementary Invoice or Debit Note containing such particulars as may be prescribed under the GST Rules within a period of THIRTY DAYS of such price revision.
  • In case the price of goods are revised downwards after their clearance from the supplier premises, the taxable person issuing the goods has to issue supplementary Invoice or Credit Note containing such particulars as may be prescribed under the GST Rules within a period of THIRTY DAYS of such price revision
  • Such Debit Note / Supplementary Invoice shall be deemed to have been issued as document in respect of Outward supply under GST Act.
  • Such Credit Note / Supplementary Invoice shall be deemed to have been issued as document in respect of Inward supply under GST Act.
  • Provided that the taxable person shall be allowed to reduce his tax liability on account of issue of the said invoice or credit note only if the recipient of the invoice or credit note has reduced his input tax credit corresponding to such reduction of tax liability.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Pending Refund Claims to be disposed of under earlier Law (Section 154)

  • Claim for Refunds submitted by any taxable person in earlier law in respect of Tax/Duty/Interest or any other amount shall be refunded as per the then provisions of Tax laws and any amount accruing to him shall be paid in cash.
  • If the claim is fully or partially rejected, then the amount so rejected shall stands to lapse.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Claim of CENVAT Credit to be disposed of under earlier Law (Section 155)

  • Claim for CENVAT Credit on account of any appeal, revision, review or reference shall be disposed off in accordance with the provisions of earlier law and any amount stands accrue to the person shall be paid in Cash.
  • In similar way, any amount stands recoverable on account of any appeal, revision; review or reference shall be recoverable as Tax arrears and shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Finalisation of proceedings relating to Output Tax Liability (Section 156)

  • Every proceeding initiated under any appeal, revision, review or reference shall be disposed off in accordance with the provisions of earlier law and any amount stands accrue to the person shall be paid in Cash and ANY amount stands recoverable on account of any appeal, revision; review or reference shall be recoverable as Tax arrears and shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Treatment of the amount recovered or refunded in pursuance of assessment or adjudication proceedings (Section 157)

  • Where any duty / interest / penalty or any other amount is demanded under any appeal, revision, review or reference whether before or after the enactment of GST Act, the same shall be recovered as Tax arrears and amount shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
  • Where any duty / interest / penalty or any other amount becomes Refundable under any appeal, revision, review or reference whether before or after the enactment of GST Act, the same shall be refunded to him in Cash or as per the provisions of earlier act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Treatment of the amount recovered or refunded in pursuance of Revision of Returns (Section 158)

  • Where any duty / interest / penalty or any other amount stands recoverable due to Revision in Return furnished under earlier law, the same shall be recovered as Tax arrears and amount shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
  • Where any duty / interest / penalty or any other amount becomes Refundable due to Revision in Return furnished under earlier law, the same shall be refunded to him in Cash or as per the provisions of earlier act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Treatment of long term construction / works contracts (Section 159)

  • Tax is applicable at the rates specified under GST Act in respect of Supply of Goods and services provided after the enactment of GST Act even if the agreement / contract is executed prior to introduction of GST Act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Progressive or periodic supply of goods or services (Section 160)

  • No Tax is payable if the payment has been received and tax has been deposited prior to the introduction of GST Act in respect of Supply of Goods and services after the enactment of GST Act.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Treatment of retention payments (Section 161)

  • No Tax shall be payable on supply of goods and services, where part of the consideration is received after the enactment of GST Act and the tax has been paid under the earlier law.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated under respective CGST and SGST Acts.

Credit distribution of service tax by ISD (Section 162)

  • Input Tax shall be distributed by ISD on the invoices issued before the enactment of GST and received after the enactment of said act.

Tax paid on Goods lying with Agents to be allowed as Credit under SGST Law (Section 162A)

  • This  provisions shall be incorporated only under respective SGST Acts.
  • Input Tax credit is admissible to the Agent in respect of goods lying at his place subject to the following conditions:-
  • (i) the agent is a registered taxable person under this Act;
  • (ii) both the principal and the agent declare the details of stock of goods lying with such agent on the date immediately preceding the appointed day in such form and manner and within such time as may be prescribed in this behalf;
  • (iii) the invoices for such goods had been issued not earlier than twelve months immediately preceding the appointed day; and
  • (iv) the principal has either reversed or not availed of the input tax credit in respect of such goods.

Tax paid on Capital Goods lying with Agents to be allowed as Credit under SGST Law (Section 162B)

  • This provision shall be incorporated only under respective SGST Acts.
  • Input Tax credit is admissible to the Agent in respect of CAPITAL goods lying at his place subject to the following conditions:-
  • (i) the agent is a registered taxable person under this Act;
  • (ii) both the principal and the agent declare the details of stock of capital goods lying with such agent on the date immediately preceding the appointed day in such form and manner and within such time as may be prescribed in this behalf;
  • (iii) the invoices for such goods had been issued not earlier than twelve months immediately preceding the appointed day; and
  • (iv) the principal has either reversed or not availed of the input tax credit in respect of such capital goods of if credit has been availed, has reversed the credit to the extent availed by him.

Treatment of Branch Transfers (Section 162 C)

  • This provision shall be incorporated only under respective SGST Acts.
  • Input Tax credit shall not be admissible in respect of any amount reversed prior to the introduction of GST Act.

Goods sent on approval basis returned on or after the appointed day (Section 162D)

  • No Tax shall be payable by manufacturer if the goods sent on approval basis not earlier than 6 months from date of enactment of GST Act and are further not received back within a period of 6 months from the date when GST comes into force.
  •  If registered person shows sufficient cause for delay, then the period of 6 months may be extended by another 2 months by the competent authority.
  • The above provisions shall be incorporated only under SGST Acts.

Deduction of Tax at Source (Section 162E)

  • Where a supplier has made any sale of goods in respect of which tax was required to be deducted at source under the earlier law and has also issued an invoice for the same before the enactment of GST act, NO deduction of tax at source shall be made by the deductor under the said section where payment to the said supplier is made on or after the enactment of GST Act.


By: CSSANJAY MALHOTRA - September 19, 2016


Discussions to this article


Nice article Sir. It is very useful. Thanks a lot.

CSSANJAY MALHOTRA By: Ganeshan Kalyani
Dated: September 20, 2016

Learnt a lot from this article. No need to ready any book. I am preparing a capsule of your articles so as to be able to use the same as consultant.

Dated: December 30, 2016



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