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Building Management Information System (MIS) for CBEC

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..... as under Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax such as revenue, audit, anti-evasion, anti-smuggling, adjudication, legal, arrears recovery etc. were grouped in six parts, and a set of Monthly Performance Reports (MPRs) was prescribed in place of erstwhile Monthly Technical Reports (MTRs) with effect from 1st December, 2014. The responsibility to collate the data collected in each of these functional areas and to submit summary reports to the Board was entrusted on the concerned Directorates namely DDM (for revenue), DGCEI (for anti-evasion), DGRI (for anti-smuggling), DGA (for Audit), DGICCE (for adjudication etc. for CX and CUS), DGST (for adjudication etc. for ST), DOV (for Valuation data in Customs), DLA (for legal), and CC TAR (for arrears recovery). These Directorates are referred as the Functional Owners (FOs). A Central MIS Committee, under the chairmanship of Member (CX), CBEC and comprising of the aforesaid Functional Owners was also constituted to steer and implement the MIS for CBEC expeditiously. 1.2 As part of implementation of the first stage of the MIS, the DDM has developed the web-based utility for uploading of the MPRs by the field formations. The web-based uti .....

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..... he six Parts of MPR formats would require to be uploaded by the Commissionerates using the valid user-ids. ADGs at the Hqrs. and Zones of DGRI and DGCEI would also be required to upload the duly filled-in MPRs of Part-2 relating to Anti-smuggling and Anti-evasion in respect of their jurisdiction, in a manner similar to the Commissionerates. 4. Responsibility to validate the data: 4.1 Presently, the MPRs, other than those contained in Part-1 (i.e. revenue related MPRs), are prepared by the Commissionerates and sent to the Zonal CCs who after compilation send them to the respective FOs. Thus, the Commissionerate data gets validated at the Zonal Chief Commissionerate level. Accordingly, in the web-based utility, provision of validation of data has been provided. After the MPRs would be uploaded/submitted by the Commissionerate, such MPRs would be ready for validation by the jurisdictional Zonal CCs. Only after the validation by the Zonal CC, the MPRs would become part of the MIS database on the basis of which various reports would be generated automatically. Thus, the responsibility for accuracy of the MPRs would continue to remain at the Zonal CC level. 4.2 In case of DGRI/DGCEI, .....

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..... once the system would get stabilized and dedicated/cloud server is arranged from NIC, such sets of user-ids and one-time-passwords would be created and allocated to more and more officers so that the MIS can be accessed by them and used for monitoring their respective work. 5.5 Though, user-ids and one-time-passwords have been created for every Ranges and Divisions of Central Excise and Service Tax, and also communicated to the respective Zonal CCs, presently, they would not be able use the MIS even for viewing the reports. However, provision would be made very soon to enable them to access and use the MIS, for which the date will be intimated separately. 5.6 With a view to preserve the sanctity of the MIS, different users have been provided different privileges such as to insert the data, to validate the data or to correct/modify the data if required, to view the data etc. Thus, a user would be able to insert the data in an MPR format only when he is authorized to do so. Every user-id created by the DDM has been assigned a specific role, and the said user would be able to access the MIS and perform an activity only as per the role already assigned to him. 5.7 Various purposes .....

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..... ;submitted", they cannot be "validated". Only after "validation" of the MPRs, they become part of the MIS database and become available for viewing under "Report" link by the users. 6.2 Under the Zonal CCs, Commissionerates (including Audit and LTU) can insert the data in the MPR formats. In addition, under the DGRI and DGCEI, ADGs posted in the Zones as well as at the Hqrs. have been authorized to insert the data in the MPR formats pertaining to DGRI and DGCEI respectively. It may be noted here that DGRI and DGCEI are also Functional Owners for the MPRs under Part-II. 7. Error correction mechanism (being presently developed and will be implemented shortly) 7.1 Data inserted into an MPR format by a user can be corrected only by the user itself and no one else. Thus, data inserted by the Commissionerate can be corrected by the said Commissionerate and cannot be corrected even by the jurisdictional Chief Commissionerate. Therefore, if any error is detected by any user other than the one which inserted the data, such error will have to be pointed out to the user which inserted the data to take necessary corrective action. 7.2 Once an MPR format i .....

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..... nal MPRs as well as the MPRs of all the Commissionerates under its jurisdiction. The user can choose the year, the month and the formation, to view all the MPRs. Users would also be able to print the MPRs as well as download the MPRs in Excel sheets. 9.2 Besides, Ranges and Divisions would also be able to view the MPRs of their Commissionerates from the date to be notified. Further, Commissionerates and Zonal CCs would then also be able to view the MPRs of other Commissionerates and Zones, in the same way as FOs and CBEC users. 9.3 In addition, the FOs and the Board users can also view the "Monthly Summary Reports" and other customized reports under "Dashboard". Such reports are derived from the data uploaded in the MIS and are intended to make available all the key performance indicators and their analysis relating to the Department to the top management in a user friendly manner on their desktop with a click of a button. 10. Other User friendly features 10.1 Provision has been made in the web-based utility to auto populate the Opening Balance of a particular MPR format of a particular field formation equal to the Closing Balance of the said MPR format of t .....

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..... all the concerned officers:- 11.1 The Commissioner, DDM should take immediate action to carry out necessary modifications in the web-based utility to enable the Commissionerates and ADGs of DRI/DGCEI to upload the MPRs for the month of June, 2015 onwards, and the Zonal CCs/DGRI/DGCEI to validate their respective MPRs submitted/uploaded by the Commissionerates/ADGs. Other consequential changes should also made urgently. These actions must be completed before 15th July, 2015 positively, so that the web-based utility is operational w.e.f. 15th July, 2015. - Action: Commissioner, DDM 11.2 All the users must note that the web-based utility will be operational w.e.f. 15th July, 2015. In order to facilitate the users to use the MIS, the MIS USER MANUAL is under preparation and the same would be uploaded on the website of CBEC and the DDM very soon. Accordingly, all the users should access the web-based utility only from 15th July, 2015 onwards. - Action: All the users 11.3 The Commissioner, DDM should also take immediate action to carry out other necessary modifications in the web-based utility in accordance with the scheme described under paras 2 to 10 above. - Action: Commissioner .....

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..... ADG, DRI/DGCEI 11.8 Similarly, w.e.f. 15th July, 2015, the Zonal CCs/DGRI/DGCEI are required to validate the MPRs submitted by the Commissionerates/ADGs under their jurisdiction. While the Zonal CCs/DGRI/DGCEI may authorize any officer in his office to access the MIS and validate their respective MPRs submitted/uploaded by the Commissionerates/ADGs, they would continue to remain responsible for the accuracy of the information validated in the MPRs and take necessary action to correct the MPR if any error is noticed. - Action: Zonal CCs/DGRI/DGCEI 11.9 In view of implementation of uploading of MPRs using the aforesaid web-based utility, it will no longer be necessary by the Zonal CCs to send the MPRs of June, 2015 onwards by email to the concerned FOs, in terms of the Instruction dated 10th October, 2014 issued by the Board vide F.No.296/127/2013-CX.9( - Action: Zonal CCs 11.10 In terms of the said Instruction dated 10th October, 2014 issued by the Board vide F. No. 296/127/2013-CX.9, Zonal CCs are required to send the MPRs for the Zones by 15th of the following month. This timeline would continu .....

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