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Minimum Provisions in Trust Deed

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..... visions of these regulations, (ii) the trustee shall not act in any manner or include any provision in the trust deed that would be detrimental to the interests of the beneficiaries. 5. Such other clauses as are necessary for safeguarding the interests of the beneficiaries including such other clauses as specified by the Board. Part B - Terms and Conditions of schemes to be formulated by the Nomination and remuneration committee [See regulation 17L (2)] The nomination and remuneration committee is required to formulate the detailed terms and conditions of the schemes which shall, inter alia, include the following provisions: a. the quantum of options per employee and in aggregate under a scheme; b. the conditions under which options may vest in employees and may lapse in case of termination of employment for misconduct; c. the exercise period within which the employee can exercise the options and that options would lapse on failure to exercise the same within the exercise period; d. the specified time period within which the employee shall exercise the vested options in the event of termination or resignation; e. the right of an employee to exercise all the options vested in him at .....

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..... od of lock-in. Part D - Information required in the statement to be filed with recognised Stock Exchange(s) [See regulation 17N (1)(b)] Description of Schemes 1. Unit Capital of the InvIT as on date of institution of the scheme/ amendment of the scheme. 2. Date of institution of the scheme/ amendment of the scheme. 3. Validity period of the scheme. 4. Date of notice of unitholders meeting for approving the scheme/for amending the scheme/for approving grants under regulation 22(5)(l) of these regulations. 5. Date of unitholders meeting approving the scheme/amending the scheme/approving grants under regulation 22(5)(l) of these regulations. 6. Kinds of benefit granted under the scheme. 7. Identity of classes of persons eligible under the scheme: (a) employees, (b) employees outside India, (c) directors, except independent directors. 8. Total number of units reserved under the scheme, as applicable. 9. Number of units entitled under the grant. 10. Total number of grants to be made. 11. Maximum number of options to be granted per employee per grant and in aggregate. 12. Exercise price or pricing formula. 13. Whether any amount is payable at the time of grant? If so, quantum of such amo .....

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..... he scheme/ for amending the scheme/for approving grants under sub-regulation (5) of regulation 22 of these regulations certified by the Company Secretary / Compliance Officer. 4. List of sponsors as defined under these regulations. 5. Copy of latest Annual Report of the InvIT. 6. Certificate of Secretarial Auditor on compliance with these regulations. 7. Specimen copy of unit certificate, if applicable. 8. Any other relevant documents. Undertakings The undersigned investment manager hereby undertakes: 1. To file a post-effective amendment to this statement to include any material information with respect to the scheme of distribution not previously disclosed in the statement or any material change to such information in the statement. 2. To notify the concerned recognised stock exchanges on which the units of the InvIT are listed, of each issue of units pursuant to the exercise of options under the scheme mentioned in this statement, in the specified form, as amended from time to time. 3. That the investment manager shall conform to the accounting policies specified in regulation 17Q(7) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 20 .....

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..... l Government in terms of section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) including the 'Guidance note on accounting for employee share-based payments' issued in that regard from time to time. B. Details related to Unit Option Scheme (i) A description of each unit option scheme that existed at any time during the year, including the general terms and conditions of each unit option scheme, including - (a) Date of unitholders' approval (b) Total number of options approved under unit option scheme (c) Vesting requirements (d) Exercise price or pricing formula (e) Maximum term of options granted (f) Source of units (primary, secondary, gift or combination) (g) Variation in terms of options (ii) Method used to account for unit option scheme - Intrinsic or fair value. (iii) Option movement during the year (For each unit option scheme): Particulars Details Number of options outstanding at the beginning of the period Number of options granted during the year Number of options forfeited / lapsed during the year Number of options vested during the year Number of options exercised during the year Number of units arising as a result of exercise of options Number of options outst .....

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..... average cost of acquisition per unit; (c) Number of units transferred to the employees; (d) Number of units held at the end of the year. (iv) In case of secondary acquisition of units by the Trust Number of Units As a percentage of unit capital as at the end of the year immediately preceding the year in which unitholders' approval was obtained Held at the beginning of the year Acquired during the year Transferred to the employees during the year Held at the end of the year Part G - Disclosure Document [See regulation 17Q (6)] A: Statement of Risks All investments in units or options are subject to risk as the value of units may increase or reduce. In addition, the options /are subject to the following additional risks: 1. Concentration: The risk arising out of any fall in value of units is aggravated if the employee's holding is concentrated in the units of a single InvIT. 2. Leverage: Any change in the value of the unit may lead to a significantly larger change in the value of the options. 3. Illiquidity: The options cannot be transferred to anybody and therefore the employees cannot mitigate their risks by selling the whole or part of their benefits before they are exerc .....

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