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2024 (8) TMI 517

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..... acted by Explanation 3. As we read Sections 147 and 148 of the Act, we come to the firm conclusion that the subject of validity of initiation of reassessment would have to be independently evaluated and cannot be confused with the power that could ultimately be available in the hands of the AO and which could be invoked once an assessment has been validly reopened. Explanation 3, or for that matter, the Explanation which presently forms part of Section 147, would come into play only once it is found that the power to reassess had been validly invoked and the formation of opinion entitled to be upheld in light of principles which are well settled. The Explanations would be applicable to issues which may come to the notice of the AO in the course of proceedings of reassessment subject to the supervening requirement of the reassessment action itself having been validly initiated. Explanation 3, cannot consequently be read as enabling the AO to attempt to either deviate from the reasons originally recorded for initiating action under Section 147/148 of the Act nor can those Explanations be read as empowering the AO to improve upon, supplement or supplant the reasons which formed the be .....

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..... fied under the same head of income, similar to the reasons of reopening? 2. We had while originally admitting the appeal taken note of the principal questions which arise in our order dated 02 February 2024 which reads thus: A. Whether Ld. ITAT has erred on the facts and circumstances of the case in not appreciating Explanation 3 of Section 147 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and whether the same would empower the Assessing Officer to assess or reassess income in respect of any issue which has escaped assessment notwithstanding the reasons recorded under sub-section (2) of Section 148 having not alluded to the same or formed the basis for reopening? 3. However and on hearing learned counsels for the parties, we note that the Tribunal while dealing with the question which is proposed had observed as follows: 7. Upon careful consideration, we note that assessee s case was reopened on the basis of information relating to accommodation entry received from TVH Trading Company Pvt. Ltd. of Rs.26,40,00,000/-. No addition was made in the assessment order on this account since the amount had already been added in the order u/s 153A dated 30.03.2014. The addition of Rs.58,18,50,000/- was made u/ .....

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..... ns were recorded, this Explanation came to be inserted as clarificatory. The reasons for insertion of this clarificatory Explanation in clause (57) of the Memorandum Explaining the Provisions of the Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2009, of 2009 are the following (see (2009) 314 ITR (St.) 57, 206): Some courts have held that the Assessing Officer has to restrict the reassessment proceedings only to issues in respect of which the reasons have been recorded for reopening the assessment. He is not empowered to touch upon any other issue for which no reasons have been recorded. The above interpretation is contrary to the legislative intent. With a view to further clarifying the legislative intent, it is proposed to insert an Explanation in section 147 to provide that the Assessing Officer may assess or reassess income in respect of any issue which comes to his notice subsequently in the course of proceedings under this section, notwithstanding that the reason for such issue has not been included in the reasons recorded under subsection (2) of section 148. This amendment will take effect retrospectively from April 1, 1989, and will accordingly apply in relation to the assessment year 1989-1990 and .....

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..... e chargeable to tax which has escaped assessment and which comes to his notice subsequently in the course of the proceedings under the section; and (iv) though the notice under section 148 (2) does not include a particular, issue with respect to which income has escaped assessment, he may none the less, assess or reassess the income in respect of any issue which has escaped assessment and which comes to his notice subsequently in the course of the proceedings under the section. 7. We find that the view that was expressed in Ranbaxy Laboratories was noticed by us recently in our decision in ATS Infrastructure Limited v. Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax Circle 1 (1) Ors. 2024 SCC OnLine Del 5048 and where the legal position was summarised in the following passages: 23. It becomes evident that the Court in Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., firstly took into consideration Section 147 of the Act, embodying the phrase and also prefixed to the expression any other income chargeable to tax which has escaped assessment . It thus came to the conclusion that, while an assessment may be reopened based on certain grounds which may have led the AO to be of the opinion that income chargeable to tax .....

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..... to the view taken by the Court in Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. This becomes evident upon a consideration of the opinion expressed by the Court in Principal Commissioner of Income Tax v. Jakhotia Plastics Pvt. Ltd. The Court in Jakhotia Plastics had expressed certain reservations with respect to what it viewed as undue importance having been placed by the Bombay High Court on the words and also in Jet Airways (I) Ltd. 28. In light of the above, the Court in Jakhotia Plastics had observed that since there was some doubt as to the accuracy of the interpretation accorded in Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., it would be appropriate for the matter being placed for the consideration of a larger Bench. This becomes evident from a reading of paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 of the report and which are extracted hereinbelow:- xxxx xxxx xxxx 29. In our considered opinion, and bearing in mind the import of Explanation 3 as well as the language in which Section 147 of the Act stands couched, we find no justification to differ from the legal position which had been enunciated in Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. We also bear in consideration the said decision having been affirmed and approved subsequently in Commissione .....

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