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Clarification regarding applicability of GST on certain services

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..... )-CBEC Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Tax Research Unit) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 28th of January, 2025 To, The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Central Tax (All) / The Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals (All) Madam/Sir, Subject: Clarifications regarding applicability of GST on certain services - reg. Based on the recommendations of the GST Council in its 55th meeting held on 21st December 2024, at Jaisalmer, and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 168(1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, clarifications on various issues are being issued through this Circular, as under: 2. Applicability of GST on penal charges being levied by the Regulated Entities (REs) in view of RBI instructions dated 18.08.2023 directing such Regulated Entities (REs) to levy penal charges in place of penal interest. 2.1 Representations have been received seeking clarification on the applicability of GST on penal charges being levied by the Regulated Entities (REs) in view of RBI instructions dated 18.08.2023 directing such Regulated Entiti .....

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..... tion under Sl. No. 34 of notification No. 12/2017-CTR dated 28.06.2017 to Payment Aggregators (PAs) in relation to settlement of an amount, up to two thousand rupees in a single transaction, transacted through credit card, debit card, charge card or other payment card services. 3.2 The matter has been examined. Payment Aggregators (PAs) are entities that facilitate e-commerce sites and merchants to accept various payment instruments from their customers without the need for the e-commerce sites and merchants to create a separate payment integration system of their own. In the process, PAs receive payments from customers, pool and transfer them on to the merchants within a specified time period. 3.3 The exemption under Sl. No. 34 of notification No. 12/2017-CT(Rate) dated 28.06.2017 is available to acquiring banks. For the purpose of the said exemption entry, the term 'acquiring bank' has been explained as under: "acquiring bank" means any banking company, financial institution including non-banking financial company or any other person, who makes the payment to any person who accepts such card. 3.4 Clause 8 of the RBI's Guidelines on Regulation of Payment A .....

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..... h associations, universities, colleges or other institutions, notified under clauses (ii) or (iii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, against consideration in the form of grants. The same has been exempted w.e.f. 10.10.2024 vide notification No. 08/2024-CT(Rate) dated 8.10.2024. 4.2 There were certain interpretational issues with respect to the taxability, or otherwise, of supply of research and development services by Government Entities against grants received from the Government Entities like DRDO, CSIR, SERB etc. These issues now stand resolved, for the period starting from 10.10.2024, with the issuance of notification No. 08/2024-CT(Rate) dated 08.10.2024 which specifically exempted research and development services provided by Government Entities or research associations, universities, colleges or other institutions, notified under clauses (ii) or (iii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income Tax Act, 1961, against consideration in the form of grants. 4.3 Accordingly, for the past period, the Council, in its 55th meeting, has recommended to regularize payment of GST on the supply of res .....

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..... is' basis. 5.5 Thus, as recommended by the GST Council, the payment of GST on services provided by Training Partners approved by the National Skill Development Corporation, which were exempt prior to 10.10.2024, is regularized for the period 10.10.2024 to 15.01.2025, on 'as is where is' basis. 6. Applicability of GST on facility management services provided to Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Headquarters. 6.1 Representation has been received seeking clarification on the applicability of GST on facility management services provided to Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) Headquarters, New Delhi. 6.2 MCD is receiving the services such as housekeeping, civil maintenance, furniture maintenance and horticulture, from facility management agency, for the upkeep of their office. MCD has sought clarification as to whether such services received by them are exempt from GST in terms of Sr. No.3A of the notification No. 12/2017-CTR dated 28.06.2017. 6.3 The said entry at Sr. No. 3A of notification No. 12/2017-CTR dated 28.06.2017 provides exemption to composite supply of goods and services in which the value of supply of goods constitutes not more than 25% of the valu .....

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..... A cannot be treated as local authority under GST law. 8. Regularizing payment of GST on Reverse Charge (RCM) basis on renting of commercial property by unregistered person to a registered person for taxpayers registered under composition levy. 8.1 Based on the recommendations of the 54th GST council held on 09.09.2024, renting of immovable property other than residential dwelling (commercial property) by unregistered person to registered person was brought under reverse charge basis. 8.2 The said recommendation was notified vide notification No.09/2024-CTR dated 08.10.2024 effective from 10.10.2024 by inserting an entry at Sr. No. 5AB of the notification No. 13/2017-CTR dated 28.06.2017 thereby prescribing payment of GST on reverse charge basis on renting of immovable property other than residential dwelling (commercial property) by unregistered person to registered person. 8.3 Various representations from different sectors were received requesting to bring the service of renting of commercial property by unregistered person to registered person under Forward Charge basis. 8.4 55th GST Council in its meeting held on 21.12.2024 recommended tha .....

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..... tervening period i.e., 10.10.2024 (effective date of entry at Sr. No. 25A in notification No. 12/2017-CTR dated 28.06.2017) up to 15.01.2025 (till the date of amending notification No. 06/2025 CTR dated 16.01.2025) may be regularised on 'as is where is' basis. 9.3 Thus, as recommended by the 55th GST Council, the payment of GST on certain incidental or ancillary services to the supply of transmission or distribution of electricity, as mentioned in Para 9.1 above, supplied by an electricity transmission or distribution utility is regularized for the period 10.10.2024 to 15.01.2025, on 'as is where is' basis. 10. Regularizing the payment of GST on services provided by M/s Goethe Institute/Max Mueller Bhawans. 10.1 Goethe Institute/Max Mueller Bhawan have six institutes across India which provide linguistic and cultural training to young Indians preparing for their stay in Germany. 10.2 They are registered under GST at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, and Pune. Prior to 1st April, 2023, the Institutes did not collect GST from their students nor did they pay GST to Government as they were under the bonafide belief that their activities are exempt from GST. .....

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