Dishonor of Cheque - In the context of an offence under section ...
October 15, 2020
Case Laws Indian Laws HC
Dishonor of Cheque - In the context of an offence under section 138 of the Act, by virtue of Explanation (b) to section 141 of the Act, only a partner of a 'firm' has been artificially equated to a 'director' of a 'company'. Its a legal fiction created in a penal statute. It must be confined to the limited to the purpose for which it has been created. Thus a partner of a 'firm' entails the same vicarious liability towards his 'firm' as 'director' does towards his 'company', though a partnership is not an artificial person. - However, there is no indication in the statute to stretch that legal fiction to a sole proprietary concern - Besides, in the case of a sole proprietary concern, there are no two persons in existence. - HC
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