Validity of statement - retraction of statement - the statement ...
Income Tax Act Section 132(4) Statements Hold Validity Despite Retractions; Original Statements Presumed Accurate with Independent Witnesses.
April 26, 2022
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Validity of statement - retraction of statement - the statement recorded u/s. 132(4) cannot be discarded merely because the retractment statements were filed. The statements u/s. 132(4) are true and correct and brings out the correct picture as at that time the maker of the statement is uninfluenced by external agencies and it is the statements are recorded in the presence of the independent witnesses. Therefore, in our considered opinion, the so-called retraction statements are simple a self-serving statements without any material and cannot override the statements recorded u/s. 132(4) of the Income Tax Act. - AT
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