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DGFT - Highlights / Catch Notes

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The Director General of Foreign Trade of India has issued a ...

India's DGFT has allowed 19 Pre-Shipment Inspection Agencies to expand globally, with new branches in 10 countries. PSIAs must update their certifications in 30 days.

Circulars     DGFT

June 28, 2024

The Director General of Foreign Trade of India has issued a public notice allowing 19 existing Pre-Shipment Inspection Agencies (PSIAs) to expand their areas of operation. The PSIAs have established new branch offices in various countries, including but not limited to Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United States, and Vietnam. The notice requires PSIAs to update their membership certificates with MRAI, ISRI, or IFIA and their contact details within 30 days. This expansion aims to enhance the operational scope and geographical reach of the PSIAs.

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