Issues involved: Application under Article 32 seeking a writ of Habeas Corpus; Detention under Section 3(1) of the Gujarat Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act of 1985; Rejection of request for relevant documents; Alleged violation of rights under Article 22(5) of the Constitution of India.
Judgment Summary: Issue 1: Relevance of Requested Documents The petitioner sought documents not relied upon in the detention order, claiming violation of Article 22(5) rights. The detaining authority stated relevant documents were supplied, including FIR copies and complaint details. The court found the detenu was aware of the crimes and had sufficient information to make a representation, thus rejecting the claim of non-supply of documents as illegal. Issue 2: Non-Supply of Bail Applications The petitioner argued non-supply of bail applications and orders violated Article 22(5). Citing precedents, the court emphasized that detenus must be provided with relied-upon documents, but incidental documents need not be supplied unless requested. The detenu had made representations and filed previous petitions without raising concerns about non-supply. The court concluded that the detenu had a reasonable opportunity to make an effective representation, dismissing the petition. In conclusion, the court found that the detenu was given a fair opportunity to represent, and the refusal to supply requested documents did not violate Article 22(5) rights. The petition was therefore dismissed.