Interpretation of the provision in the Finance Act of 1951 regarding the higher exemption limit for Hindu undivided families based on lineage and descent. Analysis: The case involved a reference by the Appellate Tribunal under the Income-tax Act regarding the entitlement of an assessee to the higher exemption limit under the Finance Act of 1951. The dispute arose as the family in question consisted of two minor sons, their mother, and grandmother. The issue was whether the two minor sons could be considered lineally descended from their mother, affecting their eligibility for the higher exemption limit. The Tribunal had referred the question to the High Court for determination, specifically focusing on whether a son or grandson could be considered a lineal descendant of his mother or grandmother within the context of the relevant provision. The provision required that members entitled to claim partition should not be lineally descended from any other living member of the family to qualify for the higher exemption limit. The High Court analyzed various legal precedents and interpretations to determine the meaning of "lineal descendant." It was established that widows of male members and unmarried daughters are considered members of a Hindu undivided family. The court emphasized the distinction between "descendant" and "lineal descendant," highlighting the requirement of a right line without deviation for lineal descent. The court concluded that a son or grandson could be considered a lineal descendant of his mother or grandmother, respectively, within the meaning of the provision. The interpretation focused on the concept of lineal consanguinity and clarified that descent in a right line, regardless of the ability of Hindu females to form a line of succession, determined lineal descent. The court's decision was based on a thorough analysis of legal definitions and principles, ultimately providing a clear answer to the question referred by the Division Bench. The judgment clarified the interpretation of lineage and descent within the context of the Finance Act of 1951, ensuring consistency and clarity in determining eligibility for the higher exemption limit for Hindu undivided families.