Interpretation of whether the extraction of metals from scraps constitutes manufacturing or production of metals for the purpose of surtax and deduction under the Income-tax Act. Analysis: The case involved an assessee-company engaged in manufacturing textile machinery and looms, purchasing scrap metals and ingots for processing. The main issue was whether the extraction of metals from scraps constituted manufacturing or production of metals for surtax and deduction purposes. The assessee claimed a rebate of surtax and deduction under section 80E of the Income-tax Act, contending that their business involved the manufacture of aluminum, copper, lead, and zinc. The Surtax Officer disagreed, leading to an appeal. The Appellate Tribunal considered the two activities of the assessee: extracting metals from scraps and purchasing ingots for fabrication. The Tribunal partially allowed the appeals, recognizing the extraction of metals from scraps as manufacturing and production activities. The Revenue challenged this view, leading to the reference of questions to the High Court. The High Court analyzed the relevant provisions of the Surtax Act and the Income-tax Act, emphasizing the definition of 'aluminum, copper, lead, and zinc (metals)' for the purpose of surtax and deduction. The Court determined that the extraction of metals from scraps amounted to manufacturing and production based on the transformation process from scrap to pure metal, which constituted a new article distinct from the original scrap. The Court also noted the CBDT's similar interpretation and cited precedents supporting the classification of such processes as manufacturing. The Court referred to decisions by other High Courts, such as the Punjab High Court and the Allahabad High Court, which upheld the eligibility for rebates based on manufacturing activities involving scraps. Ultimately, the High Court concluded that the extraction of metals from scraps qualified as manufacturing and production activities, affirming the Tribunal's decision. Therefore, the High Court answered questions related to the extraction of metals from scraps in the affirmative, supporting the assessee's claim for surtax rebate and deduction under the Income-tax Act. The Court did not address questions regarding the purchase of ingots and subsequent fabrication, as they were deemed unnecessary to answer. The Commissioner was directed to pay the costs of the reference.