Issues involved:
The issues involved in the judgment are the challenge to the deletion of penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act by the Appellate Tribunal, the interpretation of when penalty can be levied in cases of wrong or excessive claims by the assessee, and the grounds for imposing penalty. Deletion of Penalty u/s 271(1)(c): The Revenue challenged the order of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal regarding the deletion of penalty of Rs. 89,29,000 u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act. The Tribunal upheld the order of the CIT [A] which stated that there was no ground for levying the penalty as done by the Assessing Officer. The Tribunal emphasized that a wrong or excessive claim for deduction, if not found sustainable, cannot be the sole reason for imposing a penalty. The Tribunal's decision was supported by the Apex Court's ruling in the case of Commissioner of Income Tax v. Reliance Petroproducts Private Limited. The High Court found no fault in the Tribunal's reasoning and upheld the decision, resulting in the dismissal of the Tax Appeal. Levying Penalty for Wrong or Excessive Claims: The Appellate Tribunal was questioned on whether a penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of the Act can be levied in cases where the assessee's claim is wrong or excessive. The Tribunal's stance was that merely having a wrong or excess claim does not automatically warrant the imposition of a penalty. It was emphasized that there must be sustainable grounds for imposing a penalty beyond just an incorrect claim. The Tribunal's decision was in line with legal precedents and was upheld by the High Court, leading to the dismissal of the Tax Appeal. Grounds for Imposing Penalty: The Appellate Tribunal was also questioned on whether there were sufficient grounds for the levy of a penalty. The Tribunal's decision to quash the order of the Assessing Officer and uphold the order of the CIT [A] was based on the lack of valid reasons for imposing the penalty. The High Court concurred with the Tribunal's findings, stating that no substantial question of law arose for determination in the present case, and consequently, the Tax Appeal was dismissed.