- Whether the AO was justified in upholding the tax rate on interest income in the hands of the American company at 20% instead of 15% as per the India USA DTAA. - Whether the CIT(A) correctly confirmed the AO's decision based on the claim made in the computation sheet attached to the IT return. - Whether the mistake in taxing interest income at a rate higher than 15% was apparent from the records and should have been rectified under section 154 of the IT Act. Analysis: 1. The limited issue in this appeal was the tax rate on interest income in the hands of the American company. The AO upheld the 20% rate instead of 15% as per the India USA DTAA. The assessee argued that taxing at 20% was a mistake apparent from the records and should have been rectified under section 154. The AO justified his decision based on the claim in the computation sheet attached to the IT return. 2. The rectification petition contended that the interest income should be taxed at 15% and not 20%. The AO rejected the request, citing the claim in the computation sheet. The CIT(A) upheld the AO's decision, stating that only obvious mistakes can be rectified under section 154. The CIT(A) acknowledged the unfairness but noted that fiscal statutes do not consider equity. The assessee appealed this decision. 3. The tribunal considered the legal position and factual matrix of the case. It emphasized that the tax payable must be computed in accordance with the law and not based on the assessee's mistakes. The tribunal highlighted the importance of fair treatment towards taxpayers and cited CBDT circulars advising field officers to assist taxpayers in claiming rightful relief. 4. The tribunal analyzed the specific facts of the case, confirming that interest income for a US resident should be taxed at a maximum of 15% as per the India USA DTAA. It emphasized that the AO's duty is to compute tax liability in accordance with the law, including relevant notifications. The tribunal criticized the hyper-technical approach of the AO and disagreed with the CIT(A)'s view, ruling in favor of the assessee. 5. The tribunal upheld the assessee's grievance, directing the AO to recompute the tax liability at the correct rate in accordance with the law. The appeal was allowed in favor of the assessee.