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2025 (1) TMI 962 - HC - CustomsInterest payable on CVD levied under Section 3 of the CT Act or on SAD levied under Section 3A of the CT Act - Constitutional validity of the Notification No. 18/2015-Cus dated 01.04.2015 - HELD THAT - The expression case is defined in Section 127A (b) of the Act to mean proceedings under the Act or any other Act for the levy assessment and collection of customs duty pending before an adjudicating authority on the date on which an application is made under Sub-section (1) of Section 127B of the Act. The proviso to Section 127A (b) of the Act also clarifies that any proceedings referred by any Court Appellate Tribunal or any other authority for a fresh adjudication or decision would not fall within the scope of proceedings within the meaning of the said Section and thus cannot be considered as a case. Section 127C of the Act provides for procedure to be followed on receipt of an application under Section 127B of the Act. In terms of Section 127C(1) of the Act the Settlement Commission is required to issue a notice to the applicant to explain why its application should be allowed. After taking into consideration the said explanation the Settlement Commission is required to pass an order either to proceed with the application or reject the same. A copy of the said order is required to be sent to the Principal Commissioner of Customs or Commissioner of Customs having the jurisdiction. The Principal Commissioner of Customs or the Commissioner of Customs as the case may be is required to furnish a report within thirty days on receipt of communication from the Settlement Commission. Sub- section (4) of Section 127C of the Act empowers the Settlement Commission to direct further enquiry or investigation if it considers apposite and records the reasons in writing. Sub-section (8) of Section 127C of the Act also expressly provides that an order passed under Sub-section (5) of Section 127C of the Act shall provide for terms of settlement including payment by way of duty penalty or interest and the manner in which the sums shall be paid - In the present case the impugned order expressly provides that the order would be void and immunities granted would be withdrawn if the petitioners fail to comply with the order. Admittedly the petitioners had not satisfied the conditions subject to which import of material had been permitted without payment of duties. Thus interest on such duties was payable as was stipulated in terms of the Notification dated 01.04.2015 - Admittedly the petitioners had bound themselves to the said conditions and had availed the benefit of the said Notification. In this view it cannot be accepted that the impugned order imposing interest on delayed payment of duties is contrary to law. Constitutional vires of the Notification dated 01.04.2015 - HELD THAT - The petitioners challenge to the Notification is insubstantial. The exemption was granted subject to the importer satisfying its export obligations. The petitioners do not challenge the grant of advance authorizations and permission to import the goods in question without payment of duties on the condition of fulfilling the export obligations. Clearly if the conditions were not satisfied the petitioner would be liable to pay the duties on the material imported - Admittedly such duties would be payable on the date of clearance of the goods and therefore stipulating that the interest would be payable on such dates if the conditions are not satisfied cannot by any stretch be stated to be arbitrary or unreasonable. Conclusion - The order of the Settlement Commission is a settlement that must be accepted in its entirety; interest can be imposed as a condition of duty exemption under a valid notification. There are no merit in the petition the same is accordingly dismissed. 1. ISSUES PRESENTED and CONSIDERED The judgment considers the following core legal questions:
2. ISSUE-WISE DETAILED ANALYSIS Issue 1: Imposition of Interest by the Settlement Commission
Issue 2: Constitutional Validity of the Notification