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Home Notifications Income Tax Income Tax Section 295 This


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Income Tax - Section 295 Notifications

Showing 21 to 40 of 556 Records

  • Income Tax

  • No. 94/2023 - Dated: 31-10-2023 - IT
    Amendment in Form ITR-7[Appendix II] - Income-tax (Twenty-Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2023

  • No. 91/2023 - Dated: 19-10-2023 - IT
    New Rule 16D - Form of report for claiming deduction u/s 10AA added in Income-tax (Twenty Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2023.

  • No. 89/2023 - Dated: 16-10-2023 - IT
    Amendment in rule 37BB - Furnishing of information for payment to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company - Income-tax Amendment (Twenty-fifth Amendment), Rules, 2023

  • No. 88/2023 - Dated: 10-10-2023 - IT
    Changes in Rule 114B - Transactions in relation to which PAN is to be quoted in all documents for the purpose of section 139A(5)(C).

  • No. 83/2023 - Dated: 29-9-2023 - IT
    Rule 21AHA inserted under exercise of option under sub-section (5) of section 115BAE - Income-tax (Twenty-Third Amendment) Rules, 2023.

  • No. 82/2023 - Dated: 27-9-2023 - IT
    Forms for report of audit or inventory valuation u/s 142(2A) and Guidelines for the purposes of determining expenses for audit or inventory valuation - Amendment in Income-tax Rules 1962

  • No. 81/2023 - Dated: 25-9-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Twenty first Amendment), Rules, 2023

  • No. 73/2023 - Dated: 30-8-2023 - IT
    Rule 134 under Income tax rules - Application under sub-section (20) of section 155 regarding credit of tax deduction at source inserted - Income-tax (Twentieth Amendment) Rules, 2023

  • No. 72/2023 - Dated: 29-8-2023 - IT
    Computation of Perquisite - Value of residential accommodation provided by the employer to employee - words inserted “or taken on lease or rent”- Corrigendum Notification No. 65/2023 dated 18th August, 2023

  • No. 70/2023 - Dated: 28-8-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Ninteenth Amendment) Rules, 2023.

  • No. 65/2023 - Dated: 18-8-2023 - IT
    Computation of Perquisite - Value of residential accommodation provided by the employer to employee

  • No. 64/2023 - Dated: 17-8-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Seventeenth Amendment) Rules, 2023

  • No. 61/2023 - Dated: 16-8-2023 - IT
    Income Tax Amendment (Sixteenth Amendment), Rules, 2023.

  • No. 58/2023 - Dated: 9-8-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Fifteenth Amendment) Rules, 2023.

  • No. 54/2023 - Dated: 1-8-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2023.

  • No. 53/2023 - Dated: 26-7-2023 - IT
    Signing for application Of AAR - Annexure-II added for English version - Corrigendum - Notification No. 37/2023 dated 12 June 2023

  • No. 51/2023 - Dated: 18-7-2023 - IT
    Exemption from Taxation of gift received U/s 56(2) - any movable property, being shares or units or interest in the resultant fund received by the fund management entity, in lieu of shares or units or interest held by the investment manager entity in the original fund, pursuant to the relocation, subject to conditions - Income-tax (Thirteenth Amendment) Rules, 2023 - Amends Rule 11UAC

  • No. 50/2023 - Dated: 17-7-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Twelvth Amendment) Rules, 2023 - (i) Amends Rule 21AK regarding Exemption from income tax u/s 10(4E) to the non-residents, (ii) Amends Rule 114AAB regarding Exemption from obtaining PAN u/s 139 for non-residets having income from specified funds, and (iii) Amends Form 10CCF with regard to reporting u/s 80LA

  • No. 45/2023 - Dated: 23-6-2023 - IT
    Income-tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2023 - Charitable, religious, educational institutions and / hospitals - Various rules towards procedure of filing of application for approval u/s 10(23C), 12A and 80G and related form, amended / modified.

  • No. 43/2023 - Dated: 21-6-2023 - IT
    New Tax Regime u/s 115BAC in respect of Individuals, HUF and others as Amended By Finance Act, 2023 - Various changes made in corresponding rules for income taxable as Salary and for Depreciation in case of Business or Profession income - Introduction of FORM No. 10-IEA for exercising to option or withdrawing from the option u/s 115BAC - Income-tax (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2023




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