No. 48/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Exemption to re-import of goods exported under duty drawback, rebate of duty or under bond catering cabin equipment’s and food and drink on re-importation by the aircrafts of the Indian Airlines Corporation from foreign flights.
No. 47/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Exemption to re-import of goods in Fourth schedule of the Central Excise Acct, 1944 exported under duty drawback, rebate of duty or under bond
No. 46/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Exemption to re-import of goods exported under duty drawback, rebate of duty or under bond on or before the 30th June 2017
No. 45/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Exemption to re-import of goods exported under duty drawback, rebate of duty or under bond on or after the 1st July 2017
No. 43/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Seeks to amend Specified exemption notifications relating to re-import, bilateral/ multilateral agreements, imports by defence, security, sportsperson to
No. 42/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Seeks to amend notification Nos. 102/2007 dated the 14th September, 2007, 4/99 dated the 8th January 1999, 172/1994 dated the 30th September 1994
No. 39/2017 - Dated: 30-6-2017 - Cus
Seeks to amend notification No. 3/57 – Customs dated 8th January 1957 so as to provide exemption to imports by Diplomats, trade Representatives