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‘Captive Consumption’ means the consumption of goods manufactured by one division or unit and consumer by another division or unit of the same organization or related undertaking for manufacturing another product. The liability of excise duty arises as soon as the goods covered under excise duty are manufactured but excise duty is collected at the time of removal or clearance from the place of manufacture even if such removal does not amount to sale. The assessable value of goods used for captive consumption is based on cost of production. ‘Cost of Production’ shall consist of –
For the purpose of arriving at cost of production of goods dispatched for captive consumer adjustment for stock of work-in-progress, finished goods, recoveries for sales of scrap, wastage etc., shall be made. According to the Central Excise Valuation (Determination of Price of Excisable Goods), Rules, 2000 the assessable value of goods for captive consumption is 110% (w.e.f. 5.8.2003) of cost of production of such goods and as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time. The Cost Accounting Standard 4 (CAS-4), issued by the Institute of Cost Accountants Of India, is to be followed for determining the cost of production to arrive at an assessable value of excisable goods used for captive consumption. To determine the cost of production for captive consumption, calculations of different cost components and adjustments are elaborated below:
Stock of work-in-progress shall be valued at cost on the basis of completion as per the cost accounting principles. Similarly stock of finished goods shall be valued at cost. Opening and closing stock of work-in-progress shall be adjusted for calculation at cost of goods produced and similarly opening and closing stock of finished goods shall be adjusted for calculation of goods dispatched. A production process may result in more than one product being produced simultaneously. In case joint products are produced, joint costs are allocated between the products on a rational and consistent basis. In case by-products are produced, the net realizable value of by-products is credited to the cost of production of the main product. The production process may generate scrap or waste. Realization or realizable value of scrap or waste shall be credited to the cost of production. Miscellaneous income relating to production shall be adjusted in the calculation of cost of production. In case any input material, whether of direct or indirect nature, including packing material is supplied free of cost by the user of the captive products, the landed cost of such material shall be included in the cost of production. The amortization cost of moulds, tools, dies and patterns shall be included in the cost of production. Interest and financial charges being a financial charge shall not be considered to be a part of cost of production . Abnormal and non recurring cost arising due to unusual or unexpected occurrence of events, such as heavy break down of plants, accident, market condition restricting sales below normal level, abnormal idle capacity, abnormal process loss, abnormal scrap and wastage, payments like VRS, retrenchment compensation, lay-off wages etc., shall not form part of cost of production.
By: DR.MARIAPPAN GOVINDARAJAN - September 10, 2012
Discussions to this article
It is pertinent to study the Revised Guidance Note on Cost Accounting Standard on Cost of Production for Captive Consumption (CAS-4)- Jan 2012 Edition published by ICWAI in this regard