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CS Swati Dodhi By: CS Swati Dodhi
March 3, 2015
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1.Core Settlement Guarantee Fund (SGF) of the Clearing Corporations - Exemption to income

Under the provisions of Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2012 (SECC) notified by SEBI, the Clearing Corporations are mandated to establish a fund, called Core Settlement Guarantee Fund (Core SGF) for each segment of each recognized stock exchange to guarantee the settlement of trades executed in respective segments of the exchange. Income by way of contributions to the Investor Protection Fund set up by recognised stock exchanges in India, or by commodity exchanges in India or by a depository shall be exempt from taxation.

It is proposed to exempt the income of the Core SGF arising from contribution received and investment made by the fund and from the penalties imposed by the Clearing Corporation subject to similar conditions as provided in case of Investor Protection Fund set up by a recognised stock exchange or a commodity exchange or a depository. However, where any amount standing to the credit of the Fund and not charged to income-tax during any previous year is shared, either wholly or in part with the specified person, the whole of the amount so shared shall be deemed to be the income of the previous year in which such amount is shared. The specified person for this purpose is defined to mean any recognized clearing corporation which establishes and maintains the Core Settlement Guarantee Fund and the recognised stock exchange being the shareholder of such clearing corporation.

This amendment shall take effect from April 1, 2016.

2.Tax neutrality on merger of similar schemes of Mutual Funds

In order to facilitate consolidation of such schemes of mutual funds in the interest of the investors, it is proposed to provide tax neutrality to unit holders upon consolidation or merger of mutual fund schemes provided that the consolidation is of two or more schemes of an equity oriented fund or two or more schemes of a fund other than equity oriented fund.

It is further proposed that the cost of acquisition of the units of consolidated scheme shall be the cost of units in the consolidating scheme and period of holding of the units of the consolidated scheme shall include the period for which the units in consolidating schemes were held by the assessee. It is also proposed to define consolidating scheme as the scheme of a mutual fund which merges under the process of consolidation of the schemes of mutual fund in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 and consolidated scheme as the scheme with which the consolidating scheme merges or which is formed as a result of such merger.

This amendment shall take effect from April 1, 2016.

3.Tax benefits for Swachh Bharat Kosh and Clean Ganga Fund

“Swachh Bharat Kosh” has been set up by the Central Government to mobilize resources for improving sanitation facilities in rural and urban areas and school premises through the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Similarly, Clean Ganga Fund has been established by the Central Government to attract voluntary contributions to rejuvenate river Ganga.

It is proposed to provide that donations made by any donor to the Swachh Bharat Kosh and donations made by domestic donors to Clean Ganga Fund will be eligible for a deduction of 100% from the total income. However, any sum spent in pursuance of Corporate Social Responsibility under sub-section (5) of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, will not be eligible for deduction from the total income of the donor. It is also proposed to amend section 10(23C) of the Act so as to exempt the income of Swachh Bharat Kosh and Clean Ganga Fund from income-tax.

These amendments will take effect from the assessment year 2015-16.

4. Global Depository receipts (GDRs) - Amendment

The current taxation scheme of income arising in respect of depository receipts under the Act is aligned with the earlier scheme which was limited to issue of Depository Receipts (DRs) based on the underlying shares of the company issued for this purpose (i.e. sponsored GDR) or FCCB of the issuing company and where the company was either a listed company or was to list simultaneously. Besides, the holder of such DRs was a non-resident only.

As per the proposal, DRs can be issued against the securities of listed, unlisted or private or public companies against underlying securities which can be debt instruments, shares or units etc.; Further, both the sponsored issues and unsponsored deposits and acquisitions are permitted. DRs can be freely held and transferred by both residents and non-residents. Since the tax benefits under the Act were intended to be provided in respect of sponsored GDRs and listed companies only, it is proposed to amend the Act in order to continue the tax benefits only in respect of such GDRs as defined in the earlier depository scheme.

These amendments will take effect from the April 1, 2016.


By: CS Swati Dodhi - March 3, 2015




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