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GST- a way forward for logistic industry |
GST- a way forward for logistic industry |
Dear professional colleague, GST- a way forward for logistic industry India’s globally infamous unending queue, uneasy checkmates at our border check posts, filing of waybills/entry permits, compliances under entry tax laws and local levies, are one of the prime reasons why transport costs hovered high for decades. But once the GST implemented , these challenges will become a thing of past, as GST will subsume most of Central taxes and State levies, eliminating the time wasting checkpoints and make diverse verticals across India more efficient through faster deliveries of goods and services. In other words, India a nation of multiple market today will transform into one common market backed by borderless, barrier-less systems permitting free movement of goods and services and therefore GST will facilitate “Make in India by making one India”. As per the estimates by the experts, logistic sector would witness savings upto $200 billion annually with GST implementation, due to faster movement of goods and minimal idling. Logistic players have started dreaming about a borderless, barrier-less tomorrow when the goods will move on seamlessly. Presently, the logistical costs within India is high and the same is supported by ample evidences. According to one study, for example, in one day, trucks in India drive just 280 kms as against 800kms in US, due to which costs increases viz. wages of drivers, extra fuel usage due to regular idling, firms are forced to maintain larger inventory and it also limit the location choices, for example, firms has to choose the location closer to suppliers/customers instead of lower-cost location in terms of wages, rent etc. Further, it is observed that just about 40 per cent of the total travel time is spent in driving, on the other hand, check points and other official stoppages take up almost one-quarter of total travel time and it is estimated that eliminating check point delays could keep trucks moving almost 6 hours more per day, which will results in additional movement of 164 kms per day. Due to above bottlenecks, logistics costs are higher than the wage bill or the cost of power and 3-4 times the international benchmark. The removal of bottlenecks becomes more important for India, as the share of roads in freight traffic is about 72 per cent, which is much higher in comparision to other countries and rising over time because of under investment in railways, therefore inter-state trade costs to be reduced significantly, due to excessive reliance on roads for movement of goods. According to world bank estimate about 20-30 per cent of inter-state trade cost is due to taxes. So, after imlementation of GST, these costs are expected to come down, which will boost inter-state trade and hence productivity growth within India. The Impact of GST on Logistic Industry
Steps that logistic service providers need to undertake
Issues need to be addressed under GST
With the implementation of GST, it would be better if the government also give focus on other problems of logistic industry viz. Infrastructure of railways, road, ports etc., so that a virtual campaign named “Move in India” would be implemented besides “Make in India”.
By: sandeep saini - September 22, 2016
Discussions to this article
nice article. i would like to reproduce the extract of Model GST law for discussion, 60. Power of inspection, search and seizure (1) Where the CGST/SGST officer, not below the rank of Joint Commissioner, has reasons to believe that - (a) a taxable person has suppressed any transaction relating to supply of goods and/or services or the stock of goods in hand, or has claimed input tax credit in excess of his entitlement under the Act or has indulged in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or rules made thereunder to evade tax under this Act; or (b) any person engaged in the business of transporting goods or an owner or operator of a warehouse or a godown or any other place is keeping goods which have escaped payment of tax or has kept his accounts or goods in such a manner as is likely to cause evasion of tax payable under this Act, he may authorize in writing any other officer of CGST/SGST to inspect any places of business of the taxable person or the persons engaged in the business of transporting goods or the owner or the operator of warehouse or godown or any other place. In VAT regime, mobile squad is on round particular in border crossing (i.e. from state to another). The team stops the vehicle and checks the document. If any matter of suspicious found then the vehicle is detained and penalty is levied and the matter will be left to be finalized in assessment time. Similar provision is there is GST which is reproduced above. How far an assessee can rest assure in GST their will not be such team to stop the vehicle and detain the vehicle and impose penalty. The officer who detain the vehicle just goes by the document with the transporter. It might happen that the company importing the goods is having goods record and doing good compliance. But if the paper at the spot found to be incomplete then penalty is imposed heavily. Is this justified action on the part of officer.
nice article but i want ti know the effect of GST on domestic multimodal logistics as goverment stand at presnt not clear on this as now a days multimodal ligistics is the one part of logistics and to cut the cost it is the necessary demand in which to complete transporaion cycle we using 1 + transport mode means a combination of rail road and sea rahul modi
Dear sir/madam i want to know how the check posts will function in G.S.T. and what penalties liable to transporter for voilating the law.