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Year-end review 2024: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) during 2024 |
26-12-2024 | |||
Survey Results release fast-tracked with use of technology The key initiatives/achievements of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) during the year 2024 are as follows: A. Survey Reports released during 2024 During the year, MoSPI released the results in respect of the following Surveys:
MoSPI released the report on Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022-23 on 7 June 2024. It brought out the estimates of monthly per capita household consumer expenditure at both State and all-India levels and helps in understanding the consumption patterns, standard of living and well-being of the households. It also provided the budget shares of different commodity groups, which is used in preparing the weighting diagram for compilation of official Consumer Price Indices (CPIs). The report on HCES 2023-24 is likely to be released on 27 Dec 2024.
The AYUSH 2022-23 is the first exclusive all-India survey on ‘Ayush’ conducted by the National Sample Survey of MoSPI from July 2022 to June 2023 as part of the 79th round of NSS. The survey was aimed to gather insights on awareness and use of traditional healthcare systems, including home remedies & medicinal plants. The survey brought out information on indicators on awareness, usage of Ayush and average expenditure incurred for availing Ayush treatment at all-India level along with state level estimates.
ASUSE is an integrated survey capturing economic and operational characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in manufacturing, trade and other services sectors (excluding construction) in order to supplement the corporate sector data. MoSPI released the key results on economic and operational characteristics of unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises in manufacturing, trade and other services sectors through the reports on ASUSE 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24. The factsheet for the year 2023-24 was released on 24 Dec 2024.
MoSPI released quarterly bulletins on PLFS (Urban) and Annual Report on PLFS (Rural and Urban) during the year. The reports provided estimates of the key employment and unemployment indicators (viz. Labour Force Participation Rate, Worker Population Ratio, Unemployment Rate). From Jan 2025 onwards, MoSPI is planning to release the PLFS reports for both rural and urban on a monthly basis.
MoSPI released the report Annual Survey of Industries 2022-23 on 30 Sep 2024. The report provides a meaningful insight into the dynamics of change in the composition, growth and structure of various manufacturing industries in terms of output, value added, employment, capital formation and a host of other parameters.
MoSPI released the report on Comprehensive Annual Modular Survey (July 2022- June 2023) on 9 October 2024. The survey was conducted to collect data to generate indicators related to education, out-of-pocket medical expenditure, use of mobile and internet, financial inclusion, ICT skills, possession of assets, etc. In addition, information related to drinking water, sanitation, energy use, birth registration, access to transport facilities, etc. was also collected. The data collected in this survey represented the demand-side information of the households surveyed. B. New Surveys planned by MoSPI MoSPI initiated preliminary activities for undertaking the following new surveys:
These surveys would fulfill the data requirement in respect of Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. The field work for the Forward-Looking Survey on private sector CAPEX has commenced and for the remaining three surveys the field work would start in the year 2025. C. Advance Release Calendar for MoSPI The Advance Release Calendar of MoSPI has been published on MoSPI website by laying down the list of all the data releases/reports/publications of MoSPI scheduled during the year 2024-25. It includes planned dates for publishing/release of macro-economic indicators viz. GDP, IIP and CPI, Survey Reports viz. Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), Household Consumer Expenditure Survey (HCES), Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE), Time Use Survey (TUS) etc. and various publications/reports on socio-economic issues including Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Payroll Reporting, Women and Men in India, Infrastructure Sector Performance, Project Monitoring. All data releases/reports/publication have been made as per the calendar by MoSPI till date. D. Stakeholder engagement and feedback mechanism As part of the initiative towards strengthening the National Statistical System, MoSPI implemented a series of reform initiatives. The initiatives included continuous engagement and regular feedback from the data users and stakeholders, in order to improve data quality. Towards this, MoSPI organised a series of Data User Conferences with data users and stakeholders to take feedback from them and improve the statistical processes and products and promote effective utilization of official statistics and data for policymaking.
MoSPI also organised Workshops/conferences/brainstorming sessions with stakeholders:
E. Base revision of GDP, CPI and IIP MoSPI initiated the process for base revision of its macro-economic indicators viz. CPI, IIP and GDP and constituted Committees for the same and consultations of the Committees are underway.
F. Data visualization and dissemination To fulfill its vision of enhanced user experience and data accessibility through cutting-edge technology has launched the eSankhyiki portal on Statistics Day 2024 i.e. 29 June 2024 This portal contains time series data of important macro indicators and a catalogue of major data assets of the Ministry and has two sections:
The is a single source for the Official Statistics and would facilitate data driven decision making as various indicators are readily available in a user-friendly format. It will facilitate ease of Data Management for Official Statistics in the Country. Through e-sankhyiki portal, the WPI data from DPIIT can also be accessed, which has been ingested through API provided by DPIIT. G. Publication on Social Sector Statistics During 2024, MoSPI released the following publications on Social Sector Statistics.
The publication is based on Framework on Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) prescribed by UNSD for compilation of environment statistics and provides information on the six fundamental components namely (i) Environmental Conditions and Quality; (ii) Environmental Resources and their use; (iii) Residuals (iv) Extreme Events and Disasters; (v) Human Settlements and Environmental Health; and (vi) Environment Protection, Management and Engagement. This publication is the seventh in the series.
MoSPI has been releasing the publication titled “Women and Men in India” since 1995. The 25th issue of its publication titled “Women and Men in India 2023 was released during 2024. The publication is a comprehensive and insightful document that attempts to bring a holistic view of the situation of women and men in India and provides data on a wide range of topics such as Population, Education, Health, Participation in Economy, Participation in Decision making etc. among others. It provides data disaggregated by gender, urban-rural divide, and geographical region, which helps to understand the disparities that exist between different groups of women and men.
(MoSPI compiled and released the 7th consecutive annual issue of the publication “EnviStats India: Environment Accounts” on 30 September 2024 in accordance with the SEEA (System of Environmental Economic Accounting) Framework which is an agreed international framework for the compilation of the Environment Economic accounts. The publication provides details on Environment Accounts of some selected ecosystems/assets in terms of their extent, condition and services derived from these ecosystems and provides an understanding on the linkages between the environment and the economy. H. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Reports MoSPI undertook the work related to setting up of milestones for SDG national indicators in consultation with the line Ministries. In this context, ‘Review of Milestone Setting for SDGs National Indicators’ was organized with stakeholder Central Ministries/Departments on 16 August 2024. It will help in preparing India for progress assessment and improvement for further showcasing it at 2025 Comprehensive Review of the SDGs Global Indicator Framework. The following three SDG Reports have also been released during the year:
I. Initiatives towards strengthening Statistical Coordination with Central Ministries/ Departments/States/UTs
MoSPI organized the 28th Conference of Central and State Statistical Organizations (CoCSSO) on the theme “Use of Data for Decision Making: Strengthening State Statistical Systems” on 12 and 13 August 2024. The conference provided an institutional platform for discussion and improved coordination between the Central and State Statistical organizations for enhancing the efficiency of the Indian Statistical System in a collaborative approach. The conference was attended by representatives of more than 30 Central Ministries/Departments, around 29 State/UT Governments, Organizations/ Institutions such as Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute (IASRI), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PHDCCI), International Agencies such as World Bank, UN agencies and other stakeholders. (b) In order to strengthen the statistical coordination between MoSPI and State Governments/UT Administration, MoSPI organized a meeting of State Secretaries (Planning & Statistics) on 14 Nov 2024. The meeting was attended by the State Secretaries (Planning & Statistics) of States, Officers from MoSPI including senior officers from State Capital ROs of NSO, NITI Aayog, other representatives from State / UT Governments and representative from the World bank, etc.
To strengthen institutional mechanism of statistical coordination with various Ministries/Departments, MoSPI delineated the roles and responsibility of Statistical Advisers in all Central Ministries on 16 August 2024. This will strengthen the statistical coordination of MoSPI with other Central Ministries/ Departments and help in further improvement of National Statistical System. Two workshops have been organized with Statistical Advisers/ Senior ISS officers posted in various Ministries/ Department on 29 August 2024 and 23 Dec 2024 for their sensitization and feedback.
As a step towards improving the statistical survey processes and to release qualitative survey results/ reports in shortest possible time, MoSPI created two survey wise verticals / divisions in NSS. Moving from process-based system to a product-based system, MoSPI restructured its existing divisions / units i.e. Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) and Data Processing Division (DPD) and Industrial Statistics (IS) Wing together as Household Survey Division (HSD) and Enterprise Survey Division (EnSD) respectively to provide turnkey services with respect to Enterprise and Household surveys.
As part of the administrative reforms initiatives, on 06 Sep 2024, MoSPI revised its Delegation of Financial Powers and designated 71 Heads of Department (HOD) in the Zonal Offices/Regional Offices/ DPCs of MOSPI. This have been framed to empower and allow greater autonomy to the authorities at Zonal & Regional Offices and reduce bottlenecks and facilitate ease of doing business and timely disposal of financial matters. J. Research, Analysis and Innovation
A Research and Analysis Unit has been set up in MoSPI in February 2024 with an aim to encourage and facilitate research and analysis in the field of official Statistics. As part of the mandate to analyse publicly available datasets and share the findings of the analysis with government stakeholders as research and policy inputs, the unit has prepared three working papers on various subjects and shared research and policy inputs with the concerned Ministries/Departments.
A Data Innovation (DI) Lab has been operationalized in MoSPI on 23 July 2024 with the objective to promote innovation, adoption of Information Technology, improvement in methodology etc. in the field of Official Statistics. The lab would create an ecosystem for experimentation, offering of new ideas and their Proof-of-Concept through wider participation of stakeholders such as entrepreneurs start-ups, academic-research organizations and Institutes of National & International eminence etc. The guidelines and governance mechanism have been notified and available on the website of the Ministry. All the Ministries and department of the Government of India have been requested to send problem statement. Ten problem statements have been identified and placed on MoSPI website. MoUs have been signed with five reputed Institutes viz. IIM Nagpur, IIT Madras, IIIT Vadodara, IIIT, Delhi and IIT Gandhinagar during the year. K. Initiatives on Data Governance and statistical standards
MoSPI issued a revised National Metadata Structure (NMDS 2.0) to Central Ministries/ Departments on 18 October 2024 for compliance to promote transparency and better understanding of Datasets. MoSPI has started collaborative effort with Ministry of Tourism (MoT), Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Department of Public Enterprises and Department of Financial Services for implementation of NMDS 2.0.
MoSPI developed and circulated a list of 68 international and 9 National Statistical Standards amongst the Central Ministries/Departments in October 2024 for ensuring adherence to these standards/codes as applicable. Consultation with Ministries/Departments are underway for effective implementation of the same.
MoSPI compiled and shared a list of common identifiers among Ministries/Departments in November 2024 to facilitate interoperability between data platforms. A meeting under the chairpersonship of Secretary, DARPG, was held on 13.11.2024 with the officials of MoSPI, to discuss the plausible means and modalities of linking administrative datasets of DARPG namely, BHAVISYA and CPGRAMS with e-HRMS, AADHAR etc. The initiatives would facilitate for interoperability between data platforms.
MoSPI has revised the release time for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Index of Industrial Production (IIP) from 5:30 PM to 4:00 PM on 12th of every month (the next working day if the 12th falls on a holiday of CPI) and Previous working day if 12th falls on a holiday in case of IIP) to provide more time on the day of release to access CPI & IIP data. The Ministry has also revised the release time for the GDP estimates from 5.30 PM to 4.00 PM. L. Infrastructure Project Monitoring
To ensure prompt monitoring of Central Sector infrastructure projects, MoSPI has formulated a Concept Note to bring uniformity in the concepts and definitions used in calculating project monitoring parameters (Time and Cost overrun). Towards, this MoSPI has initiated the process of integration of its OCMS portal with IIG-PMG portal in close coordination with all line Ministries, DPIIT and DEA. The Common Upload Form (CUF) of IIG-PMG of DPIIT has been modified and development of new cloud-based application platform (new-OCMS) is being undertaken with features of data analytics, dashboards, GIS, Mobile application and report generation functionalities, providing a comprehensive and efficient solution for project monitoring. Project & Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) has been established by this division with multi-disciplinary domain expertise for strengthening IPMD in terms of project and performance monitoring by providing high value technical outputs.
MoSPI has initiated quarterly training programs on ‘Project Planning and Management’ (Strategic-level and Operational-level) targeting mid-level and senior officers of pay level 10 to 14 from Line Ministries, Departments, and CPSEs, at the premier IITs and IIMs. The primary objectives are to enhance awareness of project management practices, provide a collaborative platform for sharing ideas and best practices and emphasize the critical importance of accurate data reporting. M. Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) The fund flow system in MPLAD Scheme administered by this Ministry was revised and new MPLADS Guidelines and web-solution in the form of eSAKSHI Portal was launched in Feb 2023. On 16 Jan 2024, Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) of the MoSPI, Rao Inderjit Singh launched the mobile APP for eSAKSHI portal, which enables Hon'ble Members of Parliament to recommend works under the scheme through the app. The mobile app was launched for other stakeholders viz. States/UT Authorities, District Authorities and Implementing Agencies on 02 August 2024. A functionality to the users has also been provided to suggest works in their constituencies and also review the works done in their constituencies. N. Statistics Day Celebrations, 2024 Statistics Day 2024 was celebrated on 29 June 2024 with a focus on the theme ‘Use of Data for Decision Making’. The main objective of celebrating Statistics Day is creation of public awareness, especially among the younger generation, on the role and importance of statistics in socio-economic planning and policy formulation for development of the country. |