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Devolution of funds, functions to Panchayati Raj bodies yet to happen in Chhattisgarh: CAG report |
19-3-2025 | |||
Raipur, Mar 19 (PTI) The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has said in its report that the devolution of funds, functions and functionaries to the panchayati raj institutions (PRIs) was yet to take place in Chhattisgarh. These local bodies in the state were functioning on the basis of activity mapping adopted during undivided Madhya Pradesh, the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India on Local Bodies for the period ending March 2022 said. The report tabled in the state assembly on Wednesday by state Finance Minister O P Choudhary, underlined that from 2017-18 to 2021-22, the state government had allocated less budget to PRIs and urban local bodies (ULBs) against the devolution of funds recommended by the State Finance Commissions. An overview of the functioning, accountability mechanism and financial reporting issues of PRIs under the report pointed, "The devolution of fund, function and functionaries are yet to take place in Chhattisgarh. At present, the PRIs are functioning on the basis of activity mapping taken place at the time of undivided Madhya Pradesh". The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act intends to enable and empower PRIs to perform functions and implement schemes in relation to 29 subjects specified in the 11th Schedule and mandates each state to enact a legislation to devolve these functions to PRIs. For effective devolution, there should be a clear-cut delineation of functions for each level of the local government and clarity on the role and responsibilities of the panchayats of three tiers is to be provided by 'activity mapping', which becomes an important step in devolution of functions to the panchayats. Third State Finance Commission Report of September 2018 covering the period 2017-18 to 2021-22 had mentioned that 27 out of the 29 functions have been transferred to PRIs, the action to transfer funds, functions and functionaries was awaited from the concerned Department. At present, the PRIs are functioning on the basis of the devolution policy introduced in the undivided Madhya Pradesh, it said. Thus, it is evident that the actual devolution of funds, functions and functionaries is yet to take place in the state, it added. The audit observed that accounts were not maintained by the PRIs in the prescribed format, it said. Performance Audit on 'Solid Waste Management in Urban Local Bodies' in the report observed that development of infrastructure and procurement of machines and vehicles without planning and requirement resulted in idling of these facilities and consequent unfruitful expenditure of Rs 369.98 lakh on inappropriate capacity development. The monitoring and evaluation mechanism for SWM was not effective. Though, the recommendations of the State Level Advisory Board (SLAB) were not ensured. Further, the SWM activities were not reviewed regularly by Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board (CECB). Consequently, the annual report of the CEBC sent to the Central Pollution Control Board does not feature deficiencies of SWM in the state, it said. In the audit report, it was found that Municipal Corporation Ambikapur is the only ULB performing absolute segregation at SLRM centres complying with the provisions contained in SWM Rules-2016 and MCC, it said. The report also highlighted that the Korba Municipal Corporation had made payment to contractor at a higher rate applicable for pre-cast concrete pipes while prestressed cement concrete pipes were used in work resulting in excess payment of Rs 7.88 crore. PTI TKP NP Source: PTI |