TMI BlogContempt Jurisdiction - ‘Aggrieved’ person - It is for the Tribunal to find out whether its order has...Contempt Jurisdiction - ‘Aggrieved’ person - It is for the Tribunal to find out whether its order has been disobeyed in a ‘wilful’ manner and the mental element is to be adjudged by the ‘Tribunal’ indicating the state of mind of the ‘contemnor’ - When the ‘Tribunal’ has the requisite power under the Section 425 of the Companies Act, 2013 to punish a person/contemnor, then, the Tribunal is to exercise its power and to adjudicate the Contempt Petition on its file, of course, on merits - AT ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X