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..... en by the respondent from the appellant to which the interest was added would more or less settle the issue. However, in the present case, a discrepancy apropos the rate of interest, whether it be 1.8%, 2.4% or 3% per month was not sufficient to disbelieve the claim of the appellant. The reasoning given by the Appellate Court, having taken note of the Tamil Nadu Act, fails to appreciate that even going by what has been written on the pronote i.e., 1.8% per month would lead to the interest being 21.6% per annum, which also is above the cap of 12% per annum prescribed in the Tamil Nadu Act. Thus, if the parties amongst themselves, agreed to a rate which is not in conformity with the Tamil Nadu Act, it was for the respondent to raise an objection or move the appropriate forum for getting the same corrected/taken care of, so that the interest rate did not exceed 1% per month but having agreed to a rate of 1.8% per month, the subsequent amount of interest calculated @ 3% per month does not have much force for it was upon the respondent to challenge the rate of interest. The respondent also cannot be said to be a layman, and being a subscriber to a chitfund company, he is expected to be .....

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..... sented the cheque in Bank of India, Kurichi Industrial Estate Branch, Coimbatore which came to be returned on 05.02.2003 with the endorsement Account Closed . Thereafter, a statutory notice was issued by the complainant on 20.02.2003, reply to which was issued by the accused on 27.02.2003 repudiating the debt. Aggrieved, the complainant filed C.C.No.379/2003 before the Judicial Magistrate Court No.VII, Coimbatore (hereinafter referred to as the Trial Court ) for the offence under Section 138 1 138. Dishonour of cheque for insufficiency, etc., of funds in the account. Where any cheque drawn by a person on an account maintained by him with a banker for payment of any amount of money to another person from out of that account for the discharge, in whole or in part, of any debt or other liability, is returned by the bank unpaid, either be - cause of the amount of money standing to the credit of that account is insufficient to honour the cheque or that it exceeds the amount arranged to be paid from that account by an agreement made with that bank, such person shall be deemed to have committed an offence and shall, without prejudice to any other provision of this Act, be punished with im .....

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..... t, and such Court shall thereupon proceed to dispose of the appeal. (3) The accused or his pleader shall have the right to be present when the additional evidence is taken. (4) The taking of evidence under this section shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter XXIII, as if it were an inquiry. of the Code of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the Code ), for letting in additional evidence. The Appellate Court allowed the petition filed under Section 391 of the Code. This order was challenged by the complainant before the High Court, which negatived such challenge and confirmed the order passed by the Appellate Court to let in additional evidence. Before the Appellate Court, the accused examined himself as DW1 and marked thirteen exhibits in order to show that substantial amounts were repaid by him to the complainant. 7. The Appellate Court, by judgment dated 20.06.2012, allowed the accused s appeal and acquitted the respondent holding that the cheque was not issued towards a legally enforceable liability. The appellant filed Criminal Appeal No.582/2012 in the High Court impugning the judgment passed by the Appellate Court. The High Court dismissed such appeal vide th .....

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..... loan amount, the contention of the appellant is that one relates to a transaction by one Shri Laxmi Finance and the rest are not genuine due to there being omissions of signature of the cashier, Manager, etc. This aspect, it is submitted, has been brushed aside. 11. He summed up his arguments by submitting that when the respondent also could not show any proof with regard to what was the rate of interest decided inter-se the parties, such an issue unilaterally could not be decided against the appellant and further that the logic of the Appellate Court that the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Charging Exorbitant Interest Act, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Tamil Nadu Act ) prohibits charging of interest on any unsecured loan beyond a maximum of 12% per annum, in itself, was unsound as even if it is accepted that the rate of interest was only 1.8% per month, the amount over and above the maximum rate of interest would stand excluded. It was urged that this was no ground to disbelieve that the amount was legally due to the appellant from the respondent. SUBMISSIONS BY THE SOLE RESPONDENT-ACCUSED: 12. Per contra, the learned senior counsel for the respondent raised a preliminary object .....

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..... tween the parties, but still, before the Appellate Court, by way of additional evidence, he marked receipts to show the re-payment of loan. Even there, the respondent did not produce all the receipts showing total discharge of the loan amount, as was noted by the Appellate Court, and only the difference in the rates of interest as well as the finding that substantial amount has been repaid led to the acquittal of the respondent. 16. On this issue, we would like to indicate that neither in the pronotes nor in the Statement of Accounts, the principal amount has been disputed and the amount arrived at, as reflected in the cheque whether it is in respect of 1.8% interest or 3% interest per month cannot be given undue importance for the reason that the pronotes indicated that under normal circumstances, when there would be repayment by the respondent, the rate would be 1.8% per month but in the event of non-re-payment, how much interest by way of an added burden would lie on the respondent has not been specified. Thus, if the rate of interest of 3% instead of 1.8% per month has been added on the principal amount and the amount in the cheques reflects the same, it cannot be said that the .....

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