TMI BlogThe crux of the matter revolves around the validity of reassessment proceedings initiated by the...The crux of the matter revolves around the validity of reassessment proceedings initiated by the Assessing Officer (AO). The critical issue is whether there existed any new 'tangible material' or fresh 'information' in the possession of the AO to justify reopening the assessment u/s 147 of the Act. The Tribunal, after examining the Supreme Court's judgment in Kelvinator of India Ltd. and the assessee's own case, concluded that there was no new 'tangible material' or fresh 'information' available with the AO. Consequently, the Tribunal held that if the AO assumes jurisdiction u/s 147 without such material or information, it would render the reassessment proceedings a nullity, liable to be set aside. Additionally, the Tribunal noted that the ..... ..... X X X X Extracts X X X X X X X X Extracts X X X X