The key points covered in the given text are as follows: 1. ...
FVCIs Must Report Investments to SEBI Monthly via DDPs: KYC, Compliance, and Reporting Guidelines Explained.
September 29, 2024
Circulars SEBI
The key points covered in the given text are as follows: 1. Foreign Venture Capital Investors (FVCIs) are required to submit monthly reports on investments and fees collected to SEBI through Designated Depository Participants (DDPs). 2. Procedures are outlined for various activities like name change, surrender of registration, change in DDP, reporting material changes, and handling non-compliant jurisdictions. 3. Detailed KYC requirements are specified for FVCIs, including documentation, identification of beneficial owners, periodic reviews, data security measures, and maintenance of records. 4. Guidelines are provided for acceptable proof of address, attestation of documents, and reliance on public sources for verification. 5. The process for FVCIs to open bank accounts by sharing KYC documents with banks is described. 6. Formats are provided for DDPs to submit monthly reports to SEBI on applications received/disposed and fees collected from FVCIs. 7. Instructions are given for FVCIs to report intermediate material shareholders/owners on ownership and control basis for identification of beneficial owners. The text comprehensively covers the regulatory requirements and operational procedures related to registration, reporting, KYC compliance, and fee payments for Foreign Venture Capital Investors in India.
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