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Central Excise - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights July 2019 Year 2019 This

Reversal of Cenvat Credit - It is only in the provisions of Rule ...

Cenvat Credit Reversal Not Required for Mega Power Projects Exemption u/r 6(6)(vii), Demand Set Aside.

July 20, 2019

Case Laws     Central Excise     AT

Reversal of Cenvat Credit - It is only in the provisions of Rule 6(6)(vii) of the Cenvat Credit Rules, which are to the effect that there would be no requirement of reversal of any amount in case of the goods cleared under the exemption to Mega Power Project, N/N. 6/2006 was not replaced with N/N. 12/2012 - This inadvertent mistake stands clarified by the Board - Demand set aside.

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