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Central Excise - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights August 2020 Year 2020 This

Valuation of excisable goods - Amendment to Section 4 - change ...

Section 4 Amendment: Valuation of Excisable Goods Now Based on Transaction Value; Tribunal Orders Remand for Further Review.

August 21, 2020

Case Laws     Central Excise     SC

Valuation of excisable goods - Amendment to Section 4 - change from Normal value to Transaction value - The Adjudicating Authorities as well as CESTAT are also guilty of failure to do something in these batches of cases - Since the Adjudicating Authorities as well as the CESTAT failed to make various determination, the orders of remand passed by the Tribunal, though for completely different reasons, were justified - Adjudicating authority to keep in mind the principles enumerated in the order for different period. - SC

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