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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights January 2021 Year 2021 This

Set off of MAT credit u/s.115JAA - assessee being a company had ...

Company's ITR-6 MAT Credit Must Include Surcharge and Cess Per Section 115JAA, Says CBDT Guidelines.

January 18, 2021

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Set off of MAT credit u/s.115JAA - assessee being a company had filed its return of income in ITR-6 (i.e. prescribed form) under schedule for MAT credit (Schedule MATC), the assessee is precluded from filling up any figure as they are automatically picked from yet another schedule in the same ITR form - there is absolutely no scope for ignoring surcharge and education cess for the purpose of computing MAT credit u/s.115JAA of the Act. It is a well known fact that the ITR return form is a form prescribed by CBDT and the revenue is bound to follow the same. - AT

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