Assessment u/s 153A - replacement of Chapter XIV-B provisions ...
Income Tax Act Section 153A: Assessments Post-Search Require Notices for Six Prior Years; Appeals Continue Uninterrupted.
November 27, 2021
Case Laws Income Tax HC
Assessment u/s 153A - replacement of Chapter XIV-B provisions and introduced Sections 153A, 153B and 153C in the Act by Finance Act, 2003 - The new Section 153A provides the procedure for completion of assessment where a search is initiated under Section 132 or books of account or other documents or any assets are requisitioned under Section 132A, after May 31st 2003. In such cases, the assessing officer shall issue notice to such person requiring him to furnish within such period as may be specified in the notice, return of income in respect of six assessment years immediately preceding the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the search was conducted under Section 132 or requisition was made under Section 132A. Thus, it is clarified that the appeal, revision or rectification proceedings pending on the date of initiation of search under Section 132 shall not abate. - HC
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