Income accrued in India - Royalty u/s.9(1)(vi) - intra-group ...
Income from Royalties u/s 9(1)(vi) Examined Against Indo-Spain DTAA; Discrepancy in Definitions Noted.
July 30, 2022
Case Laws Income Tax AT
Income accrued in India - Royalty u/s.9(1)(vi) - intra-group services fees - Coming to the Indo-Spain DTAA, it is axiomatic that the domestic law has not been linked with the definition of the term `royalties’ as given in the Article. The definition in the Article simply stops at receipt, inter alia, for use or right to use any ‘process’. In that view of the matter, we cannot read Explanation 6 to section 9(1)(vi) of the Act in the definition of the term `royalties’ under the Article. Though the term ‘process’ under the Act also includes payment for leased line charges in the light of Explanation 6, but absence of any analogous provision in para 3 of Article 13 of the DTAA, does not commend us to read the extended scope of the term `process’ in the DTAA. The contrary view espoused by the ld. CIT(A), ergo, cannot be accorded imprimatur. - AT
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