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Service Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights August 2022 Year 2022 This

Refund of un-utilised Cenvat credit of Service Tax - The Rule 5 ...

Refund of Unutilized Cenvat Credit Allowed Due to Lack of Revenue Action on Service Classification u/r 5.

August 23, 2022

Case Laws     Service Tax     AT

Refund of un-utilised Cenvat credit of Service Tax - The Rule 5 read with notification is very specific and lays down how to determine the quantum of admissible refund from the accumulated cenvat credit - If the Revenue is not in agreement with the claims of the appellants and if, according to Revenue, the services in issue do not fall within the ambit of export of service then the Revenue ought to have initiated the proceedings against the appellants for demanding the Service Tax in respect of taxable service provided by the appellants. Admittedly no such proceedings have been initiated by the Revenue as borne out from the records of the case - Refund allowed - AT

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