Refund of Tax paid - Block assessment - as per Section 153(3) of ...
Court Rules on Tax Refund in Block Assessment; Limits Interpretation of "Is Received" u/s 153(3) of Income Tax Act.
February 15, 2023
Case Laws Income Tax HC
Refund of Tax paid - Block assessment - as per Section 153(3) of the Act the time limit for completion of such assessment proceedings viz. nine months had elapsed - Period of limitation after remanding back the order to AO - Revenue did not receive the order - We are unable to accede to the contention of the respondent to construe the words “is received” in section 153(3) to mean “till its received” and thereby extend the limitation in perpetuity. It has to be a reasonable period of time especially when the respondents are a party to the proceeding. - HC
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