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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Capital gain computation - addition invoking the provisions of ...

Court Narrows "Transfer" Definition in Income Tax Act's Section 50C, Limits Application to Stamp Duty Scenarios.

February 28, 2023

Case Laws     Income Tax     HC

Capital gain computation - addition invoking the provisions of the Section 50C - the legislature used the words and expressions in Section 50C of the Act consciously to give the same a restricted meaning - the term “transfer” used in Section 50C has to be given a restricted meaning and the same do not have a wider connotation so as to include all kinds of transfer as contemplated under Section 2(47) of the Act. This Court accordingly holds that the provisions of Section 50C shall be applicable in cases where transfer of the capital asset has to be effected only upon payment of stamp duty. - HC

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