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Income Tax - Highlights / Catch Notes

Home Highlights June 2023 Year 2023 This

Denial of claim of loss or to categorize certain expenses as ...

Tax Authorities Err in Denying Claim, Misclassifying Expenses as Pre-Operative; Business Was "Set Up" in Relevant Year.

June 17, 2023

Case Laws     Income Tax     AT

Denial of claim of loss or to categorize certain expenses as pre-operative expenses - commencement of business during the year - assessee’s business was ‘set up’ or not - The research and development expenses were towards samples of products/ accessories for testing purpose before placing a purchase order and all this are intricate to the nature of business activity of the assessee. - Tax Authorities below fallen in error in concluding that assessee’s business was not ‘set up’ during previous year, to deny the claim of loss or to categorize certain expenses as pre-operative expenses. - AT

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