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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Recovery of duty foregone - non-fulfillment of export obligation ...

Tribunal Rules on Duty Recovery for Unmet Export Obligations and Non-Installation of Capital Goods.

March 21, 2024

Case Laws     Customs     AT

Recovery of duty foregone - non-fulfillment of export obligation - non-installation of the capital goods and consequent non-fulfilment of post-importation condition - The Tribunal observed that the imported goods were not installed as they were stored pending land acquisition for setting up a manufacturing facility. The appellant claimed to have fulfilled the export obligation within the extended time frame but failed to provide evidence of exports after installation. It was noted that the extension of time for installation did not automatically extend the deadline for fulfilling the export obligation. - The Tribunal deemed the confirmation of duty liability reasonable due to non-fulfillment of the export obligation within the prescribed period. - However matter remanded back for a fresh decision considering all relevant factors, including evidence of exports and entitlement to depreciation based on export performance.

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