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Customs - Highlights / Catch Notes

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Legislative Competence to Levy of stamp duty on ‘Bill of Entry’ ...

Maharashtra Can Levy Stamp Duty on Delivery Orders for Imported Goods, Does Not Infringe Union's Import Authority.

March 29, 2024

Case Laws     Customs     HC

Legislative Competence to Levy of stamp duty on ‘Bill of Entry’ (BoE) and on Delivery Orders (DO) - goods imported in Maharashtra - seek refund paid on stamp duty - The court held that the levy of stamp duty on DOs by the State of Maharashtra was within its legislative competence and did not encroach upon the Union's legislative domain over imports and exports. The court found that the DO, being distinct from a Bill of Entry or a Bill of Lading, is an instrument liable to stamp duty post the customs clearance process, thus not affecting the course of import as governed by the Union's legislative power.

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